8. Coffee Date

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I pace still staring at my screen, at the messages we have sent back and forth. This asshole infuriates me...but intrigues me at the same time. "Who the fuck does that asshole think he is calling me his kitten? I'm not some fucking pet that you can stake your damn claim on."

Are you sure about that? You weren't thinking like that when he had his hands on you. In fact your face turned crimson from your cheeks to your ears causing your heart to flutter inside your chest. Shut up brain like you know everything smartass.

I roll my eyes at my own stupid conscious. Not only am I having an internal war with my thoughts, I'm talking to myself. What has gotten into me? Ace's ass has gotten into me that's what and it is fucking with my sanity but to top it off Daniel's dumbass kept hounding me all day, laughing as every text came in from Ace. Why can't I have privacy? Is it nonexistent anymore with these morons? I pout, I'm letting one incredible fucking night get the best of me and that is not like me at all.

I told Ace that we would meet up around noon today but I arrived a bit early. Since I value being punctual, it's ingrained into me besides the nervous butterflies eating at my stomach. Is this a date? I haven't been on one in so long that I have to try and remember the basics again. Ugh, why do I have to make everything so damn confusing all the fucking time. Come on just go in and take a seat before they fill up with people.

I checkout the Thanksgiving window display as I open the door setting off the chime that someone has arrived. Taking a quick look around I see a few teenagers goofing off in a booth on the right rough housing, and a few senior citizens sitting at the counter chatting with a cup of coffee in hand. I notice that there is a booth in the corner on the left as I casually stroll over there and take a seat facing away from the wall. This should be a nice spot? We can talk without any interruptions from the rowdy kids and have some peace and quiet. I look around at the decor inside and see they've started to decorate for the holidays.

It's crazy how fast this time of year goes. I'm definitely not looking forward to all the shoplifters and reports about family disputes. Shaking my head, I grab the menu laying on the table and look at what seems to be the best thing to order. Hmm... the big breakfast looks good with its blueberry pancakes, hash browns and side of eggs of your choice or maybe I should get a bacon cheeseburger without onion. I don't want my breath to smell. Nevermind, I'll just find something else. A decision like this shouldn't be this fucking hard. I think to myself as I continue to browse through all the options when my eyes snap up to the door as the bell jingles.

I have to bite my tongue as a shiver racks through my body. I see an even better meal looking both ways eagerly before confidently striding towards me as our gaze meets. Fuck, I think my cock twitched. As I let my eyes roam over Ace's black turtleneck sweater that fits him like a glove showing off his delicious muscles, with a silver chain necklace poking out at the neckline. Yum does his thighs look good in those tight jeans...yep my cock is definitely twitching. I bet his ass looks like a million bucks from behind. Damn, my choice of seating but at least no one can see how happy my friend is under the table. I internally think as I subconsciously lick my lips and try my best to hide my crimson cheeks behind the menu. Ugh, I can only imagine the feeling of fucking that ass raw. Calm down boy I think to myself as I try to discreetly adjust my little problem in my jeans. As I hear a deep cough coming from the one person causing all my internal stress, as he slides into the seat in front of me pushing the menu back towards the table so he can see my face again. Fuck, he is gonna be the death of me. His deep blue eyes look like a storm is brewing in them. I can get lost in them forever...forever, woah where the hell did that come from? Sure the sex was fucking amazing but I barely know the guy. But as I stare into his eyes I get lost again and I wonder if they naturally turn different shades as the weather changes.

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