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Lyra was battling Death Eaters with a few Order Members and a few members of the DA. She wasn't very confident, since more than one Death Eater wanted her captured. They were sure she would be an asset to their side, so they wanted her alive, not dead. As she was battling, she heard Bellatrix, her cousin, yell out and she quickly took down the two Death Eaters. Lyra's eyes widened when she seen her father, Sirius, falling through the veil and to his death.

"No! Daddy!" Lyra screamed, but before she could run towards the veil, her friend, Bill Weasley, grabbed her and held her as tight as he could.

"Lyra, calm down. I know you want to kill her. Calm down, you'll get your revenge. Come with me, Lyra, we can get out of here. Fleur is waiting on us, Lyra, c'mon." Bill coaxed, holding the girl close.

Lupin watched from the sidelines, as he held Harry and listened to the boy cry out for Sirius.

*End of Flashback*

"Are you sure you want to leave?" Lupin asked, looking sadly at his niece.

"I have to. The Death Eaters want me to join them. I can't, and they will stop at nothing to make me change my mind. If I run, you all will be safe." Lyra said, causing Lupin to frown.

"We can protect you here, Lyra." Bill commented, crossing his arms across his chest.

"You are safe with Bill and I." Fleur added, placing a hand on Lyra's shoulder.

Lyra had become friends with Bill in her first year of Hogwarts. She had actually befriended all of the Weasleys, but Bill was her best friend. Though they were a few years apart in age, the two were still very close to one another. Lyra was the first person Bill told about Fleur, and she was the person he talked to before he asked the woman to marry him. The two confided in each other often, which made leaving even harder for Lyra.

"I'm sorry, but this is the safest thing for all of us. We can still write letters. I will tell you all where I live, but I have to stay hidden. If I'm hidden, than you four will be safe." Lyra stated, smiling sadly at the four people in front of her.

"I'm pregnant." Tonks blurted out, causing Lyra's eyes to go wide.

"A-are you for real?" Lyra asked, and Tonks nodded.

"Remus and I, we wanted to make you the baby's godmother." Tonks said, making the girl bite her lip.

"Is that safe? Me being alive puts people in jeopardy, and--" Lyra began, before Lupin cut her off.

"Lyra, we trust you with our lives, and we'll trust you with our baby's life. I know you're worried, but you would never put the baby in danger. We love you, and we want you to be the baby's godmother." Lupin commented, and Lyra grinned.

Lyra nodded her head, tears evident in her eyes, though she'd never let them fall. Lupin and Tonks stepped forward and hugged the girl, kissing the sides of her head affectionately.

"Do you at least have a place to stay?" Bill asked, after Lyra stepped away from the hug with Lupin and Tonks.

"Yes, it'll be in the States. I'll send you an owl once I'm settled." Lyra replied, feeling her stomach fill with butterflies the more she thought about leaving.

"You're saying goodbye to everyone?" Tonks asked, but the other girl shook her head.

"It's never goodbye. I'll be back again, even if it is to fight a war in the end." Lyra said, smiling softly.

Sighing lightly, Lyra stepped forward and hugged Lupin and Tonks one more time. The couple held her close, not wanting to let her go. Lyra was the last thing Lupin had left of his best friend, Sirius, and she was leaving. Once she was out of their arms, she walked over to Fleur. She hugged the French beauty tightly, as Fleur cried softly in the hug. Fleur and Lyra had become friends during the Tournament, so when Fleur started dating Bill, she and Lyra became even closer. The two were practically sisters, which was evident to almost everyone.

Bill watched from the side, trying to hold back his own tears. Pulling away from Fleur, Lyra turned to her best friend with a sad smile. She wrapped her small arms around his neck, holding him tightly. Bill clung to her as if she was his lifeline. When he decided to go to Egypt, she was the one to support him the most. When his mother criticized his hair and attire, she was the one to stick up for him. When he was having a bad day or just needed someone to talk to, she was the one who was always there for him. She was his best friend, practically his soulmate, but in a friendship/brother-sister way. Bill buried his face in her hair, letting a few tears fall, and this time, she did as well.

"Do you really have to go? We can protect you, Lyra. You don't have to leave." Bill murmured, his voice rough with emotion.

"I'm sorry, Bill," She replied, kissing his cheek,"I will be back though, I promise. I'll be back for your wedding, and when Tonks has her baby. This isn't permanent, it's only until it's safe again. Besides, if any of you need me, you'll know where I am. My house will always be open for you all, even if it's only to keep you all safe." She said, smiling once again at her friend.

After saying tearful goodbyes again, Lyra stepped out of the house with a bag full of clothes and money. She had a charm on her bag so that she could put all of her things in there without running out of space or the bag becoming to heavy. She took many pictures with her, wanting to keep the memories around for as long as she could. Everything became real when she took the portkey to the US...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, how does the story seem so far? So, Iwas asked by quite a few people to write a Jared Cameron fanfiction, and I am finally complying. With that being said, I decided to make it a Harry Potter crossover, just for the fun of it.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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