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*Christmas Day*

Lyra stood outside of the Burrow with Teddy and Jared. Andromeda had arrived the night before to help Mrs. Weasley prepare for the Christmas celebration. Lyra was nervous, but she didn't get much time to be nervous before Bill and Fleur had apparated to the Burrow. As soon as the couple had seen her they ran over and hugged her.

"It's so good to see you, Lyra!" They exclaimed, and Lyra smiled.

"Let's get inside. Mum is definitely waiting on us." Bill said, causing Lyra to sigh and nod.

Lyra, Jared, Teddy, Bill, and Fleur entered the Burrow and they were met with a bustling family. The family wasn't as bright and cheery as they use to be, but it was the first Christmas after the war; meaning it was the first Christmas after they lost Fred. Lyra hoped to bring a smile to the faces of the family, even if it was only for a moment. After saying "Happy Christmas" to everyone as she greeted them, she sighed heavily, before going to find Harry.

"Harry, can I speak to you outside?" Lyra asked, and Harry nodded hesitantly.

Harry followed Lyra outside, and the two stood away from the door to keep anyone from hearing them.

"Harry, I'm going to be completely honest with you, if you'd let me." She commented, and he nodded.

"I want to hear it; whatever you have to say, Lyra." He replied, causing her to sigh.

"The night my father was taken from me because of Peter Pettigrew, I wanted to blame you. When he came, and he wanted us to be a family, then he was gone, but this time forever, I did blame you. I blamed you for his death. I blamed you for Moony's death. I blamed you for Dora's death. I blamed you for so much, but then I realized that sometimes the blame, the hurt, and the anger builds up inside a person and it can have serious consequences, so as I stand before you today, I am saying that I'm sorry for blaming you. I'm sorry for hating you. I'm sorry for never coming to your aid. I'm sorry for never checking on you. I'm sorry for being an awful sister, and I hope you can forgive me." She said, as tears swelled in her eyes.

"Lyra, I..."He trailed off for a moment,"I have nothing to forgive, because I understand why you felt that way. I hated myself, blamed myself, and I believed you were better off without me, which is why I never reached out. I almost wanted you to hate me, to blame me, so you wouldn't feel so empty. You were never an awful sister. I looked up to you, ever since I had met you. I didn't even know we were family than, and I still looked up to you. You may not be my sister by blood, and really my cousin, but I love you as though you were my sister. I hope we can move past everything, and finally be family again." He replied, and she nodded.

"Of course, Harry," She answered, hugging him,"I love you." She murmured, as he hugged her back.

"We should head back inside before someone thinks you hexed me to oblivion." He commented, causing her to chuckle.

"Oh, Harry," She began, stopping him for a moment,"I had portraits of James and Lily made and they're hanging in my manor. I think it'd do you well to come see them; talk to them." She said, and he nodded, a sad smile on his face.

"Thank you, and I will." He replied, leading her inside.

"I also have a surprise for the Weasleys, but please keep it a secret." She commented, and he agreed.

As soon as they had come back inside, Mrs. Weasley announced that it was time for presents. Lyra, Jared, and Teddy had recieved Weasley jumpers, which made Lyra feel warm inside. She was still a part of their family, and she'd always cherish it. Once she had given everyone their individual gifts, she made the Weasleys gather together in the kitchen, before she set the wrapped portrait in front of them. Harry glanced and her, and with one nod, he knew exactly what it was.

"I had something specially made for you all. I hope you like it." She commented, before motioning for Mrs. Weasley to open the gift.

When the paper was peeled off, Mrs. Weasley let out a loud cry, as the other Weasleys gasped or stayed silent.

"Not even a single greeting. I swear, you're gone for a bit, and everyone seems to forget their manners." Fred said, as his painting came to life.

Before anyone could Thank her, George came over and wrapped his arms around her tightly. She could feel a few tears hit her shoulder, but she ignored them, as she hugged the boy back just as tight as he hugged her.

"Thank you, Lyra. This means everything to us. You gave us our Freddie back." George said, as his family agreed.

"It's the least I could do. He deserved it, for everything he did to save our world, and you all deserve the chance to feel like he was still here." She replied, and the family passed around sad smiles.

"One more thing,"Lyra heard, causing her to turn around and gasp,"I know it seems sudden, and I know it might not be the right time, but I had to do it. I wanted everyone to be here to see it. So, Lyra Black, will you marry me?" Jared asked, and Lyra felt tears swell in her eyes.

"Yes." She murmured, watching as he slid the ring on her finger.

She recognized the ring instantly, it was the ring Ted gave to Andromeda, and the ring Lupin gave to Tonks, and now, Jared gave it to her.

"Are you sure?" She asked Andromeda, and the woman nodded.

"There isn't anyone else I'd ever wish to wear that ring." She replied, smiling at Lyra.

Jared quickly turned the girl around and kissed her, causing the entire room to cheer. Everything hadn't been fixed, and nothing would ever be perfect, but things were getting just a little better. As long as everything wasn't falling apart at the seams, everyone would be able to hold themselves together, even if it was the only thing they could do...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. That's all folks! What did you guys think?!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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