Chapter Fifteen

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Arriving back at the Tonks-Lupin household made Lyra's stomach drop once again. Bill and Fleur had apparated her there, but she had promised she'd be fine on her own once she got there. As soon as the couple were gone, Lyra almost fell to the ground with grief. She held herself together though and went straight into the house. Andromeda was waiting for her in the kitchen. As soon as the witch seen Lyra's face, and she didn't see Lupin and Tonks, she knew what had happened.

Andromeda let out a quiet sob, before she stood up and hugged the young girl. Lyra had been tormenting herself over the deaths the moment she found out, and Andromeda knew that for a fact. She felt bad for the girl, and she wanted to do anything she possibly could to help. She had lost her family, and so had Lyra, so she knew just how bad Lyra was feeling. The only difference was, Lyra was way younger that her though, so she knew the grief was going to last a lot longer, and possibly a lot longer than it ever would for her.

"I'm so sorry. I tried, Andy. I tried to save them. I really did." Lyra cried, trying to be strong for the older witch.

"I know you did, but it's not your fault, Lyra," Andromeda said,"You should go see Teddy. He would love to see his mum again." She added, giving Lyra her best encouraging smile.

"I-I don't know if I can do this, Andy. I'm not his mum." Lyra murmured, but Andromeda simply shook her head.

"You are though, Lyra, even if it's not by blood. Actually, Remus and Dora set aside papers for you to sign if something happened. I know it's probably not the right time, but I think you should go ahead and sign them. I can send them in today, and you'll be his legal mother by tomorrow afternoon." Andromeda said, remembering how Tonks had set up a certain agent in the Ministry to over look the adoption.

Andromeda hadn't come to terms with the news yet, so she was still in a pretty stable mind, which was why she wanted Lyra to go ahead and sign the papers. As soon as Lyra signed the papers, Andromeda grabbed her owl and sent the papers directly to the Ministry with the agent's name on the envelope. When the owl left, Andromeda and Lyra heard Teddy crying from his room. Andromeda gave the girl an encouraging nod, causing the girl to sigh to herself, before she walked to the boy's room.

Lyra went to his cot and peered down at him. She felt horrible when she looked at him, but she was going to have to learn to deal with it. Leaning forward, Lyra picked up the little boy and held him to her chest.  The boy stopped crying, as he looked up at her with bright eyes. Lyra watched as Teddy's features morphed into hers, causing a tear to roll down her cheek.

"You can bring him to your room. You might feel a bit better that way, and it'll help you get use to having him around." Andromeda said, as she walked into the nursery.

"Are you coming home with me, too?" Lyra asked, her voice barely audible.

"If you want, but I you asking me to come just so you can watch over me. I know how to look out for myself." Andromeda replied, causing Lyra to shake her head.

"No, I want you to come and live with me, and with Teddy. If you don't want to live with us, I could always have you a place built next to mine so you can have your own space." Lyra said, and Andromeda smiled.

"I'll move in with you until I find my own place nearby." Andromeda answered, causing Lyra to smile.

As long as Andromeda was close, Lyra knew she'd feel a little better. She wouldn't feel alone in the world, even if she technically had the pack, Bill, Fleur, and some others by her side. She had a connection with the one pack member, Jared Cameron, but she didn't really know how deep the connection was, or if he even felt it. She doubted he'd ever want to try to be with her now since she had a kid, but she wasn't going to abandon Teddy for a boy. Teddy was hers now, and she'd love him as such.

"I moved the cot and a few of his things to your room. You two should go rest." Andromeda said, and Lyra nodded.

"And what about you?" Lyra asked, causing Andromeda to sigh.

"To be honest, I'm starting to finally accept what happened, and I'm standing here trying not to cry in front of you and Teddy. I'll be going to my room for a bit, but if you need me, come get me. If I can sleep, or I become too emotional, I'll be in the kitchen cooking away my feelings, so be ready to be eating an army's worth of food." Andromeda rambled, abs Lyra smiled sadly.

She knew Andromeda was upset, since she was rambling. Instead of asking anymore questions, Lyra went to her room with Teddy, as Andromeda went to her own room to possibly cry for a few hours. Lyra laid down on her bed with Teddy asleep on her chest. She wished she was still a baby, if she was her parents, Lupin, Tonks, the Potters, Fred, and so many others would still be alive. There was so many people lost, but there was absolutely nothing Lyra could do to bring them back. She was going to miss them forever, but she wasn't going to let their memory fade away.

Lyra was going to have portraits made for James, Lily, Lupin, and Tonks. She would also have one of Fred made for the Weasleys. She knew the pain was going to get worse some days more than others, but she was going to have to learn how to deal with the pain as it came...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I will be skipping a couple of things from the Twilight, but it's not too much. I will have Lyra caught up on the events though, so it's like they happened while she was away.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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