Chapter Six

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Lyra had stayed to herself for days, mostly because she wanted to keep a low profile

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Lyra had stayed to herself for days, mostly because she wanted to keep a low profile. A few times, Lyra would sit and stare out of her windows, seeing the shapeshifters run along her yard patrolling for vampires, at least, that's what the elders had told her the pack was doing most days. Lyra had to be careful changing into her animagus form, since she knew the shapeshifters would be able to smell her. The shapeshifters were huge wolves, so she was sure they'd have all the attributes of a wolf as well.

Most of the time, Lyra would sit around in muggle lounge wear, which she had found in a shop in Port Angeles. Her manor was always the perfect temperature, so she never had to worry about being too cold or too hot. She had found the perfect charm for her manor, to pretty much make the living conditions perfect, for the most part. Anyhow, as she was sitting in her library, Ducky came bustling in.

"Mistress, your friends are here to see you." Ducky said, causing Lyra's eyebrows to furrow.

Standing from her seat, Lyra laid her book face down on the table next to her, before walking out of the room and to the front door. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see Nymphadora and Fleur standing outside of her manor.

"Dora?! Fleur?! What are you two doing here?!" Lyra exclaimed, as she pulled the girls inside and closed the door.

"Remus, he left to work with werewolves, Lyra. I haven't seen him for a week, and Dumbledore said it could be a month before I see him again." Nymphadora cried, causing Lyra to frown.

"Why would he do that?" Lyra asked, making Nymphadora sigh.

"He wants to get the werewolves on our side, but I swear Greyback is going to find him. I have a bad feeling." Nymphadora said, and Lyra shook her head.

"Don't think like that, Dora. He'll be back, he has to be. He has you and the baby to come back to." Lyra commented, causing Nymphadora to nod.

"He has you, too, even if you're not home with us." Nymphadora replied, and Lyra smiled.

"I thought it'd be best if I brought her to you." Fleur murmured, causing Lyra to nod.

"You did the right thing. Sometimes Dora needs a little bit of motivation, and Moony swears it's only me she'll listen to for talks like this one sometimes." Lyra said, and Fleur chuckled.

"Oh, Bill will be here soon. He just had to pick something up on his way." Fleur stated, causing Lyra to grin.

Lyra had missed all of them, so being able to see three of them again made her beyond happy. She didn't know how long it would be before she seen them again, but she really wasn't expecting it to be so soon. She wasn't complaining though, because she missed them more than anything.

"You two can come into the kitchen. Ducky should be making tea already. She's always ready to make tea for everyone." Lyra said, leading the girls to the kitchen.

"Oh, I almost forgot. My mother said, if something happens to Remus and I during the battle, she wants you to keep the baby. Originally, if something happened, she would keep the baby, but she feels like she's too old and feeble to keep the baby." Nymphadora announced, as she sat down at the kitchen table.

"Andy isn't even that old. Besides, if she feels so old, maybe she should come and live with me, instead of alone." Lyra replied, causing Nymphadora to shrug.

"I don't know, maybe she's just trying to discreetly say she wouldn't be able to take care of the baby if we didn't make it," Nymphadora murmured, sighing slightly,"Remus and I have been staying with her though, so she's not alone anymore. I will try to talk her into staying here if something happens though." She added, and Lyra nodded.

"The wedding is only a couple months away, and Molly wants you to be there two days in advance." Fleur said, making Lyra smile lightly.

Mrs. Weasley was always so welcoming to Lyra, even after she found out who Lyra's father was, before the Weasleys knew he was a good guy. She would always have Lyra around for holidays or whenever the girl wanted to come over. Shockingly enough, Lyra often roomed with Bill and Charlie when she came over, since Mrs. Weasley trusted her so much. Lyra was the honorary daughter of the Weasley parents, even if she didn't believe it at first.

"Will you be there?" Lyra asked, looking over at Fleur.

"Yes, but I will be rooming with Ginny and Hermione. Molly said you will be rooming with Bill and Charlie. Charlie has to leave before the dancing though, but he will be here to watch Bill and I marry." Fleur replied, and Lyra nodded.

Lyra knew the Weasley women weren't too fond of Fleur, so she didn't want to tell Fleur that their dislike was the reason she wasn't allowed to room with her soon to be husband. Mrs. Weasley seemed to refuse every bit of Bill and Fleur being together, but Lyra believed the woman would change her mind once the two were married. Lyra understood that Bill and Fleur moved along quite fast with their relationship, but Bill deserved to be happy, even if he moved too fast.

"My belly will be more evident by the wedding." Nymphadora said, and Lyra smiled.

"What are you hoping for?" Lyra asked, glancing down at her friend's belly.

"Remus and I want a boy, but we'll be happy with either." Nymphadora answered, smiling down at her small belly.

"Do you have names yet?" Fleur asked, and Nymphadora nodded.

"Yes, if it's a boy, he'll be named Edward Remus Lupin, but his nickname will be Teddy. So, he would be named after Dad and Remus. If it's a girl, she'll be named Artemis Lyra Lupin, but her nickname will me Missy. So, she'll be named after her godmother and a goddess." Nymphadora said, causing the other two women to smile.

"I love those names." Lyra replied, and Nymphadora smiled.

Lyra hoped they got the boy they wanted, but she would feel honored if they had a girl and named the girl after her...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, it seems I give two day breaks between updates, but I'm not sure if I'll stick with that, or if I'll update more or less than recently. It's all a toss up as the days go by.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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