Chapter Eighteen

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A week later, Jared was still around at Lyra's often. He had been trying to prove to Lyra that he wanted to be with her, and he was fine with Teddy being a part of that equation. Once he had finally come to  building up the courage to ask Lyra on a date, he could barely keep his nerves from bothering the pack. The pack had heard her complete story from Jared, and they had promised to give the girl some space, even though Emily so desperately wanted to meet Lyra's son.

"Lyra, I know things have been messy for you, but I was hoping you would agree to go on a date with me tonight." Jared rambled a bit, and Lyra smiled.

"I would love to go on a date with you, Jared, but what am I to do with Teddy? I can't live him here alone, though I know Ducky would happily watch over him." She commented, causing him to nod.

"Yes, I have that planned already actually. Emily, said she'd watch over him, and we both know Andromeda would watch him anyday. I guess it's up to you who you choose." He replied, making her laugh lightly.

"Well, I would like to talk to Emily before I decide. It's not that I don't trust her, I just want her and the pack to meet him, to see how he feels around them, before I leave him with them without me. I would feel like a terrible mother if he didn't like them, and I left him alone with them. Also, I really don't want to bother Andy with it on such short notice, so if Emily and the pack don't work out, we'll have to bring him with us, or we'll have to schedule a date for another time." Lyra said, and Jared nodded in agreement.

"You should get ready. We can go see them now." Jared replied, smiling at the girl he wanted to finally have so bad.

Lyra nodded slightly, before she walked off to Teddy's nursery. Teddy was awake actually, but he was simply staring at the stars above his cot. Lyra had enchanted stars to shine above his cot, even during the day. He could admire all of the constellations as he laid in his cot, and Lyra hoped he enjoyed it as much as she did when she was younger. Lupin had actually done the same for her, which was what gave her the idea.

Instead of bothering the boy, she let him relax for a bit, as she picked him out some new clothes and grabbed a nappy. After grabbing what she needed, Lyra changed Teddy and got him ready for his day. As soon as he was ready, she picked the boy up, grabbed his bag, and carried the boy and his bag out of the nursery.

"Are you ready to go?" Jared asked, taking the bag from Lyra.

"Yes, just let me get my keys." She replied, turning to grab the keys to her muggle car.

It was weird knowing how to drive a muggle car, and how to do so many muggle things now that she practically lived as a muggle. Well, technically the manor was very witchy, but everything else was muggle-like. Once she arrived at the pack house, Lyra stepped out of her car, and then pulled Teddy from the car as well. Jared grabbed Teddy's bag, before the three of them went into the pack house.

The pack house had been loud when the three first entered, but the moment she and Teddy were inside, the pack got quiet. They had turned to her, seeing the carseat in her hands. Not even a minute later, Emily came over with smile on her face.

"Nice to see you again, Lyra. It's been a while." She said, and Lyra nodded.

"Yeah, uh, sorry about that." Lyra replied, looking away from the pack.

"We understand, Lyra, and we're sorry for all you've lost." Sam stated, causing Lyra to smile lightly.

After that awkward encounter, Lyra placed the carseat on the table for everyone to see Teddy. Emily cooed at the young boy, as he stared at everyone with wonder. He hadn't been around this many people at one time, even when he had first been born. He actually hadn't even met the Weasleys yet, which was quite a large bunch. Lyra couldn't help but wonder when Fleur and Bill were eventually going to have children. She selfishly hoped it was soon, so their child could be friends with hers. Honestly, they'd be like siblings, like her and Bill.

Her father may have intended for her and Harry, her godbrother, to be close like siblings, but that bond never happened. The idea had fallen through the moment James and Lily were killed by Voldermort. She didn't blame Harry for his parents' death, but everyone after that, that was close to her that died protecting him, she really sort of blamed him for it. She didn't blame him for her mother either, since she didn't know much about her mother, and the people that did know her well were already dead.

Nobody could reminisce about her mother, so she didn't really miss her as much as she missed the others. Sure, she could have stories from the portraits of her family that were hanging, but hearing the stories than were nothing like hearing the stories from a living person who was sitting right beside. That's why, as Teddy grew with Lyra, she planned to tell him as many stories about his family as she could; about their family. She would probably have James, Remus, and Sirius tell their own tales from their portraits, but she knew the tales she told to Teddy might mean just a little more.

As the pack fawned over Teddy, Lyra couldn't help but miss the family setting they created. She wished she could have it back, but though it would never be the same, she would get somewhat of a new one, and she would make sure Teddy always knew he had family...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I don't know if I like Lyra sounding a bit too much like Dominic Toretto, but whatever, it'll lead up to better things soon.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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