Chapter Nineteen

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Lyra had left her son with the pack. Going on the date with Jared was something the entire pack wanted to grant her, after everything she had lost. Jared had taken the girl to a small diner for dinner, and after dinner they would go to the movies. While they ate, the two conversed about everything they could think of.

"Lyra, you told me everything that happened there while you were gone, and I want you to know what happened here while you were gone." Jared said, and Lyra nodded.

"If you're sure, you can tell me anything and I will listen." She replied, and he smiled.

"A few days after you left, that's when things started happening here. About three weeks after you left, the Cullens came to us for help. Apparently, there was a vampire that was after Bella Swan, and while the vampire was coming for her, she created an army of newborn vampires. The Cullens knew that they were no match for all of the newborns, so they asked us for help. We agreed, solely because we wanted to protect our people, and all of the other humans that were in danger because of the newborns.

I also know you could tell that Jacob wasn't at the pack house, and I'll let you know that he left because he heard about Bella Swan's marriage to Edward Cullen. Apparently he was still hung up on her, and after getting the invitation to the wedding, he fled. Even now, the two are already married, and he won't show his face to the pack. At this moment, they're honeymooning, and he's sulking in his bedroom." Jared stated, causing the girl to frown.

"Maybe we can find him someone to change the way he feels about Bella." She replied, and he nodded.

"I sure hope so. Otherwise we're in for his pouting until the Cullens leave the area for the next hundred years or so." He answered, watching as the girl started laughing.

"Is there anything I need to fear here, now that I have a son?" Lyra asked, but Jared shook his head.

"No, not that we've found. If anyone poses a threat to you, or to any of our other people, we'll eliminate them." He said, and Lyra believed him.

Later that night, after dinner and a movie, the two headed back to the pack house. When they arrived, they were met by an irritated pack, an upset little boy, and a woman trying to calm him down.

"What's going on?" Lyra asked, as she walked over to Emily and grabbed the little boy.

"The pack's emotions upset him. I can't get him to calm down." She replied, and Lyra sighed.

"He can feel their emotions, like I can, but his is different. Since his father was a werewolf, he has some of the characteristics, or rather abilities that the werewolves had. Meaning, he can smell things stronger, he can hear things better, and he can feel emotions stronger than any normal wizard or child," Lyra explained,"Now what the hell is going on?" She asked, turning to the pack.

"Jacob went to see Bella earlier, and he just got back from wherever the hell he was. Tell her what you told us, Jacob." Paul said, crossing his arms as he stared at Jacob.

"No, I--" He began, but Sam cut him off.

"Tell her, Jacob." Sam growled, causing Jacob to sigh.

"Bella's pregnant with that leech's abomination." He spat, and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What?" She questioned,"How is that even possible? Vampires can't procreate. In every story, every history book, or book about creatures, I never heard of them procreating." She said, as she shook her head.

"That's what we thought, but apparently we're wrong. Look, we're going to take it out. Whatever monster they created, it can hurt our people, and I'm not chancing it hurting anyone. Even if that means killing Bella, we have to do this." Sam stated, but Jacob wasn't happy.

"No! We're not killing Bella!" He exclaimed, causing the alpha to growl.

"We have no other choice, Jacob. We have to protect our pack and our people." Sam retorted, making the male more angry.

"Lyra, you can't agree with this. You have a baby. I don't believe in the monster living, but you have to understand. Bella is Charlie's daughter, how would you feel if something happened and you never saw Teddy again?" He commented, causing the girl to get mad.

Nobody had ever said anything so vile to her about Teddy before. Nobody had ever threatened Teddy before, not even a little bit, but Jacob had. When she heard Jared growl, she knew for a fact that Jacob meant more than he had let on. In the blink of an eye, Lyra muttered a spell, and threw Jacob out of the pack house. She muttered another spell to hold Jacob in the air, as she glared at him.

"If you ever threaten my son, or anyone I love again, I will end you, Jacob, and I don't care how your pack feels about it. I will tear you apart. I will render your wolf useless, and I will make you wish you were never born. Are we clear?" She spat, and he nodded once.

She let him drop to the ground, before turning around and seeing the pack. They stared at her, but not with malice or disgust, but a bit of shock, and maybe a little pride.

"You're a great imprint to add to the pack." Embry commented, causing her to look at him confused.

"Imprint? What's that?" She asked, and Embry's eyes went wide.

"Y-you were supposed to tell her!" Embry exclaimed, pointing to Jared.

"Don't worry, I'll look it up later. Just tell me who he's referring to." She said, turning to Jared.

"'re my imprint. You're my soulmate." He replied, causing her to sigh.

"Bloody hell, I'm going to need to research this as soon as I get home." She commented, and she heard everyone to chuckle.

"You should get home. Tonight's been rough." Jared said, going inside to grab Teddy's things.

In all honesty, things were just seeming to get crazy all over again...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I skipped a couple things, like the months Bella and Edward were apart. Also, I know Bella was having Renesmee in September, but I decided to make it earlier, so the aging of Renesmee wasn't so severe. She'll still be the same as she was in the movie though, and everything will still go down in December.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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