Chapter Twelve

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Time had passed, and Lyra had participated in a few Order meetings, but she wasn't part of any missions. Everyone wanted to keep her out of missions, to keep her from being taken by Death Eaters. Lyra was so busy with the Order and other wizarding world things, that she was unable to really explore Washington much for a while. She wasn't even able to hang out with the pack often either, since she had been way too busy to do so.

While researching things for the Order, Lyra recieved a patronus from Lupin. She quickly jumped from her messy desk in a rush. The patronus was telling her that Tonks was in labor, and she wanted Lyra there as soon as possible. Lyra quickly grabbed some clothes and slipped them on, before grabbing a small bag. She stuffed a few outfits in the bag, along with anything else she could possibly need for her stay with Lupin and Tonks.

"Tonks is having her baby! I'll be home in a few days!" Lyra exclaimed, as she ran into the room where Regulus and Sirius's portraits were hanging.

"Bring pictures, and tell Moony and Dora we said congrats." Sirius replied, before his daughter quickly left the room.

Luckily, Lyra was able to get a portkey and was able to get to St. Mungos with a quickness. She was able to disguise herself a bit, so nobody in the hospital would recognize her. Since Death Eaters had practically stuck themselves everywhere, Lyra had to be careful not to be seen anywhere.

"Moony, Dora, I hope I'm not late. Dad and Reggie held me up. They say congrats by the way." Lyra announced, as she walked into Tonks' hospital room.

"You're here!" Tonks exclaimed, a tired smile on her face.

"Thank you for being here, Pup." Lupin added, walking over to Lyra and hugging her.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." She answered, as she also walked over and kissed Tonks' cheek.

Lyra sat next to Tonks' bed, mas she waited for Tonks to finally be ready to give birth. Once it was time, Lyra and Lupin held Tonks' hands. They encouraged her through the entire birth, even though Lyra was a bit grossed out when she actually watched the woman give birth. 

"I am never having a baby." Lyra commented, as the healers cleaned the baby.

"You'll change your mind eventually, once you find the right guy." Tonks replied, and Lyra scoffed.

"Don't tell her that. She's still just a pup, Dora, she doesn't need any babies." Lupin retorted, causing Tonks to laugh.

"As if," Tonks murmured,"Besides, you'd rather she never had a baby, 'cause she's still your baby. If she doesn't have one soon, you may never get the chance to meet the baby." Tonks added, causing Lupin and Lyra to frown a bit.

"Let's just not talk about me having babies," Lyra commented, before seeing the healer coming their way,"Here comes your baby!" She exclaimed quietly, an excited smile on her face.

The healer laid the baby in Tonks' arms. Lupin and Lyra smiled down at the little boy in Tonks' arms. He was absolutely adorable, and Lyra knew if anything happened to Lupin or Tonks--Merlin forbid--she would protect the baby with her life.

"What's his name?" Lyra asked, looked at the new parents.

"Edward Remus Lupin, but we'll call him Teddy." Tonks replied, and Lyra smiled.

"That's an amazing name." She answered, causing the parents to smile as well.

After a moment or two, Tonks passed the baby over to Lupin. Lupin smiled down at his son, lightly rubbing the baby's chubby cheek with his finger.

"I hope you have a baby room set up at your manor for when he comes to visit." Tonks commented, trying not to bring up the inevitable worry that was going through all of their minds.

"Of course, I do. I set it up almost as soon as I moved in. I wanted to be ready for anything." Lyra replied, and Tonks nodded.

"Would you like to hold your godson, Pup?" Lupin asked, looking over at Lyra.

"Please." She replied, biting her lip.

Lupin carefully placed the little boy in Lyra's arms, and she cradled him to her chest. His eyes opened for a moment, before everyone watched with wide eyes, as the boy's features began to change. His once light brown hair, turned dark and curly like Lyra's. His eyes changing to match hers as well.

"He's a metamorphagus." Lupin murmured, the awe evident in his voice.

"He's amazing." Lyra said, as she watched the baby grasp her finger with his tiny fist.

"If anything happens to us--" Tonks began, causing Lyra to look up at her.

"Nothing is going to happen to any of you." Lyra stated, her voice stern.

"I know," Tonks whispered, trying not to upset the girl anymore,"if something did though, I know you'll be the perfect person to raise him." She said, and Lupin nodded in agreement.

"You've got a heart of gold, and I know you'll raise him right." Lupin added, causing Lyra to sigh.

"If something does happen," Tonks began, sighing lightly,"Please, promise us you'll raise him as if he's your own son. He'll be yours if anything happens, and we want you to love him as such." She pleaded, and Lyra nodded.

"I-I will. I promise." Lyra replied, trying to keep herself from crying.

Moments later, Andromeda--Tonks' mother--came into the hospital room. Lyra placed Teddy in Andy's arms; smiling at the older woman as she did so. Tonks decided to talk to Andromeda about what she and Lupin had decided, while Kupin and Lyra walked off to get a coffee.

"I won't let anything happen to you or Dora, Moony." Lyra said, causing Lupin to wrap an arm around Lyra's shoulders.

"I know," He replied,"but it's I who should be protecting the three of you. You're a great girl, Pup, and I know you'll always do what's best for everyone." He added, kissing the side of her head.

Lyra refused to lose Lupin and Tonks though, so if it was her last resort, she'd die to protect them...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I know it's been a while, but I have more chapters in mind, so I will be updating again soon.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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