Chapter 15

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*Kay's POV*

It's been two weeks since we brought little Skyler home. Alex and Kalel seem to love having her around cause though they're one they try and be around her as much as possible.

Actually, Cam has been acting really weird though. He's been...clingy? I guess that's the word. He constantly is trying to spend time with the kids and I. He doesn't even wanna hang out with any of the boys or his family or even his basketball team. 

It was really worrying me.

So I had Shaylor, Ky and Derek watch over Alex and Kalel for the day. Skyler was with Cam's mom so then it was just Cam and I in the house. 

I was currently in bed while Cam was downstairs. I had to think of a way to ask him about acting so strange without being so direct. After a few minutes, I got out of bed and went downstairs to see Cam sitting on the couch watching TV. I bit my bottom lip before walking over to him and sitting down.

"Oh hey beautiful, is everything okay?" He asked as he muted the TV.

"Yeah, everything is fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah just been thinking."

"Thinking? You thinking is never a good thing," he joked as I smiled sadly and nodded. I looked down at my lap as he looked at me worried. "Kay, what's wrong?"

I opened my mouth before closing it to think about what I'm about to say. I continued looking at my lap before turning my head to the side to look at him. "What are you hiding from me?"

"What do you mean?" He asked confusedly.

"I mean that lately you haven't been yourself. So what's going on?"

"Nothing," he lied.

"Cam...I know you just lied to me. I can tell by the way you just quickly answered and didn't even look at me." 

"Kay I promise it's nothing."

"Cam please just tell me. It can't be that bad," I told him as I turned my body to him.

"You're right." He nodded and took a deep breath. "I got accepted to the college I wanted."

"That's great! What's so bad about that?"

"It's in California..."

"Oh," I said my mood quickly changing. "Are you gonna go?"

"I want to but-"



"Go." I said again.


"Because it's a dream college of yours. They accepted you Cam and I want you to fulfill your dream. So go."

"But what about you? The kids? The house?"

"I can have one of the girls or guys stay with me for a bit. Nash can always help me watch the kids you know. But we will be fine and we can skype everyday. Plus if you forgotten your mom and Shawn's mom help pay the bills and such until we both graduate and have a good job. Shawn's even planning on helping out once his career jumps out more."

"Yeah but you know that Jacob, Lox, Carter, Matt, Nash and I are graduating this year, right?"

"Yeah but you also know that Nash offered to help watch the kids while I finished school and you were in college," I told him.

"Do you really want me to go though?"

"Of course I don't but I also don't want to be the one to hold you back from your dream. Cam you have to go. It can bring such great opprunities for you and us. I want the best for you."

"And I want the best for us," he said as he held my hands.

"So you going?"

He thought before nodding. "Yeah. I'm going."

"Good," I said kissing his cheek.

He smiled at me and before I could say something a shriek escaped my lips from Cam pulling me onto his lap. He begun to kiss all over my face making me giggle and try to move away from him. 

"Babe," I said barely above a whisper breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" He asked playing with part of my hair.

"What if the test results come back with bad news? What if Alex will never get to have a normal life?"

"He may never have a normal life anyways with his godfather being the Shawn Mendes and our amazing friends the Jacks, Jacob, Sammy plus Lox is related to the famous Gordys. It'd be pretty hard for any of the kids of any of us to be normal," he joked as I sent a small glare towards him.

"Cam. I'm serious. I don't want my little boy being picked on."

"He won't Kay because the test result will come back positive and have all good news. Don't stress over it," he said rubbing my shoulders as I nodded.

"You're right. I shouldn't stress."

"No you shouldn't. Now be a good girlfriend and cuddle with me."

Before I could respond he pulled me down with him so we were laying down. I turned on my side and just cuddled with him for the next few hours. Some may ask why would I waste time just cuddling?

But he's gonna leave soon and this may be the only time we get cuddling like this. So I want us to just embrace each other for as long as we can without the kids here. Plus who wouldn't wanna cuddle a shirtless Cameron Dallas?

You gotta be blind to not wanna cuddle him.

Especially since if any of the girls tried to go near him when he's shirtless they get a death glare and a very long lecture. Because if I can't hug their boyfriends when they're shirtless why can they hug my boyfriend when he's shirtless? Doesn't work that way.

Sighing, sleep just took over me and lately it seems like that's all I've been doing lately.

Just sleeping.

*Cam's POV*

It's funny how she thought I was sleeping before her.

Little does she know I'm planning something really big for her. 

Now I just need help from a few friends of ours.


So short update.

Picture of them cuddling on the side/top.

May be another update soon.

Only 1-3 More Chapters Then Epilogue. ):

Plus there will be a surprise at the end of one of the chapters. It'll make some of you happy and some annoyed...maybe? But yeah. Just watch out.(:

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