Chapter 13

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Dedication: clodyboca and fangirlingsincebirth for asking questions because though they weren't a lot it was nice to get some questions so thanks(:

*Kay's POV*

 Alex and Kalel just turned ten months a few days ago.

Everything was going smoothly again. Cam and I were back together. It took a few weeks to get to where we are now but we both realized we needed the time apart in order to get back together stronger. We don't know who we truly are ourselves but we know by being with the other, we'll figure out why we were here on this planet and who we are. 

Ky did allow Derek to move in. They're actually really good friends. Johnson sometimes even went over to hang out with them and it made me happy to see their family get back together in a way. It just makes me happy period when I can see a family come back together since I've seen mine just completely fall.

Shawn and Taylor.....they're getting back to where they were too. Taylor's being a bit more cautious because though everyone sees how in love they are with each other. I could see how Taylor is still hurting from this. I'll have to talk to them separately soon.

Right now, Cam and I have something to worry about. Alex has been acting strange lately.

Him and Kalel begun to say "mama" and "dada" a few weeks ago. They learn quickly too because they caught on who was who and would touch our faces when saying "mama" or "dada". Yet with Alex sometimes he'd act like he doesn't even know us. 

But the bright side is their walking. They'll take a few steps before falling onto their hands but will hold onto something to pull themselves back up. 

"Baby, relax. Maybe he is adjusting slower than Kalel is."

"Or maybe something is wrong and we should take him to a doctor," I said while packing a bag full of snacks.

"We already brought him to a doctor Kay. They said that he's perfectly fine."

"Cam, I carried them for nine months. I know for sure that something isn't okay with Alex. I have this motherly instinct that something is wrong."

Sighing, he looked at me. "Are you positive?"


"Then we'll see another doctor, alright? I'll call and make the appointment for next week."

"Thank you," I said with a small smile. 

"Mhm," he said before kissing my cheek. "But you go get dressed and I'll finish packing the food for the aquarium. Aaron and little Noah should be meeting us there pretty soon."

"Alright. Alex and Kalel are already dressed, right?"

"Yes. They're in their play pens right now."

Nodding, I went upstairs into our room and started to look through the closet. It was February and a bit chilly outside. I mean it is winter but it's not like there's snow out anywhere, considering it melted in the past two weeks. But it's suppose to snow again that's why we're taking the kids to the aquarium while we can. 

After looking through the closet, I went over to the dressers and found an outfit. Taking a quick shower, I washed my hair before getting out and letting it air dry so it'd be easier to straighten. I put on my bra and underwear before grabbing my black leggings to put on. 

When my hair was dry, I removed the towel from my shoulders. I would've got dressed with my hair still wet but for some reason, I can't stand my clothes being wet and them sticking to me. It's just makes me cringe so much.

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