Part 3

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The Train zoomed away from the station,Me and Megan stood at the train station smack dab in the centre of London.

Being the fangirl that I am I wiped out my phone and tweeted

" out for a day in London stalking 1D,we're coming boys!"

I minute later my phone beeped...with a notification that read

"Harry Styles favoured your tweet"

I dropped my phone,if fell to the floor,I picked it up like a flash,That devise was my baby.It was safe thank god,my One Direction case saving its delicate sceen.

I-i couldn't speak,had this really just happened?,I couldn't bring my self to compose any words other than "harry" I said handing Megan the phone.Her face went scarlet.She screamed,a few odd looks from passers by didn't seen to fase her.She pulled my arm and before I knew it we were basically running through the train station towards the exit.

We knew were the studio was,we were stood outside with a large group of screaming girls. Apparently we weren't the only ones that had the idea of stalking them this particular day.

Me and Megan were slumped under a tree outside of the studio.

The snow had come rather heavy,it was freezing.

3 hours later we were still sat under the tree,snow blanketing the ground around us.

Being a fangirl was tuff,But it was worth it.

We'd Waited and waited but nope,no sign of the boys.

We'd decided to give up,it was getting Dark and the snow didn't show any sign of stopping.

Megan left to go to her aunts house in the heart of London so I made my way to the train station.


I looked up at the sign displaying the times of the train arrivals.


This wasn't happening.No way.

I slid my phone out my back pocket,trying to stay calm.I unlocked my phone to call my mum but just as I pressed "call" my phone turned off.The battery had died.

Of course,stuff like this was always happening to me.

I realised I wasn't getting home tonight,it was already 7pm,Trains cancelled,phones dead.I had £10 left in my pocket so I made my way to Starbucks.


They always spell my name wrong.always.

I exited the coffee shop and made my way down the main street,London was so pretty at night.

I continued to walk through the street,hearing footsteps close by I immediately checked who it was,being alone frightened me so much.I prayed it was someone I knew.

I turned around to see a tall man,with a mop of brown curls,Emerald eyes sparking at me..I watched as his fingers carelessly teased through the front of his hair,then flattening down the bouncy front curl.I had waited my whole life for this moment.Realizing instantly.It was Harry Styles.

I dropped the coffee cup I had clasped in my hand,it landed on Harry's feet.


I tried to apologize but I was stood speechless.

"What's your name darling?"Harry almost whispered.

"R-r-rachael" I replied.

"Im Harry,But from your reaction I'm guessing you knew that" he winked.

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