Part 4

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I couldn't quite believe what was happening,he called me "darling" emm,excuse me but this doesn't happen to obsessed fangirls like me.

I had what I wanted to say prepared, I have had it prepared for about a year now,but my mind was completely blank.

I had no idea what to say.I quickly thought of things my followers had told me to say 'if' I had met him.

I broke the silence...

"Ehh..Harry...Do my Shoes match my eyes?"

He trailed his eyes up my entire body,biting his lip as he went.

I felt myself blush a little.

"I see what you did there" he winked.

"Your rather beautiful Harry,did you know that?"

"Thanks gorgeous"...."not bad yourself"he replied.

I was done,totally done.800% done.

This wasn't happening,I tried to play it cool.

"What are you doing in London at this time of night anyway?"harry asked.

I explained to him the predicament I had gotten myself into.

We walked about a little,Harry seemed to like me?I wasn't sure why,I'm nothing special.

We walked into the super market,Harry needed tablets or something.

We walked to the medical isle.

My face still not returning to its normal pale tone.It was tinged pink.I was trying to act normal.Although I was dying inside.

Harry's eyes trailed up and down the 'condom' section,I slightly raised my eyebrow at this.

Yes it was Harry Styles,Yes it was the boy I was in love with,Yes I knew almost everything about him but we'd just met.I'm only 16.

Surely Harry wasn't that type of guy?.

To my relief he picked up a pack of "paracetamol".

He grabbed my hand,intertwining our fingers.

My heart was racing.This surely wasn't happening.

It was about 9,I had told my mum before I left the house that if I wasn't home by 8 I would be staying the night at Megan's.

Me and Harry sat in the sainsburys cafe,we talked for what felt like minutes.We talked about everything.Family.Friends.Even my school?

He looked a bit concerned when I mentioned only being 16,but it didnt seem to phase him.I was least.

I excused my self to go to the loo.

I looked at myself in the mirror,me being the only one in the bathroom.

"Don't do anything your going to regret" I told myself.

I felt like Bo.Was my 'Dark' fantasy coming true?

Butterflies filled my stomach.

I exited the bathroom,strolling over to the empty table me and Harry were sat at.

Harry had gone.

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