Today is the day.

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I danced around my room,"wings" by little mix blaring.

I had never been so Happy,yes my sister had met the beautiful curly haired boy I was in love with but she had asked him to follow me on twitter so that was good enough for me.

I grabbed my homework dairy from my bag , I had no homework for the weekend so I was free from worry.My phone buzzed with a text from Megan "DID HARRY REALLY FOLLOW YOU" she had obviously seen my post on instagram.She was the only person that actually understood my love for One Direction,the only real fangirl I knew personally.

I texted back confirming the fact.

I couldn't wait for the next day.Saturday.I might get a chance to meet the boys,Or even seeing them from a far,that would be good enough for me.

I slumped myself down on my bed attempting to read more of the new chapter of "Dark" but off course I was interrupted by my mum calling me down stairs for dinner.I honestly can't get two minutes peace can I!?.

I was glad to see we were eating in the dimly lit living room,at not at the cold,hard wood table in the hallway.I grabbed my plate from the kitchen and slumped down into the couch beside the fire place.

Me,My mum and Sister were sat watching MTV.when I heard the presenter say "UP NEXT A INTERVIEW WITH ONE DIRECTION".

I jumped up,allowing my dinner plate to fall to the floor and smash into 4 equal pieces.I was sent up to my room for "over reacting" and "ruining dinner".It didn't bother me at least I could continue reading "dark".I had a text from Sam,A boy I'd liked for a while now but I didn't have the confidence to make the first move.

"Do you want to go to the cinema with me tomorrow?,just us?X".

I let out a scream of excitement.Had Sam really just asked me out?,I wasn't sure.Sadly I had to decline his offer,I wasn't about to bale on Megan for Sam.

I settled down trying to get a early night,but of course I was up to around 2am on instagram.That shit is addictive.


I woke up the next morning to "kiss you" loudly playing from my alarm,I jumped up instantly,I strolled slowly down the stairs into the kitchen where I found my sister dancing to "we are never getting back together".Haylor was a sensitive subject with me and my sister she was the biggest "swifty" I had ever met and I was the biggest directioner she had ever met.She shipped haylor so hard,where on the other hand Taylor Swift was my worst nightmare.I rolled my eyes are her horrid singing and grabbed a banana and a carton of apple juice and returned quickly up the stairs.

I opened up my laptop,scrolling through tumblr,I informed my followers I was going to stalk the boys today.for about the 100th time.

I didn't notice the time,only around half a hour before I would meet Megan at the train station.

I swayed my freshly curled red locks about as I walked over to the mirror to apply makeup,making sure to be extra careful to not put too much on.I slipped on my tights and denim shorts,and draped a loose knit jumper over my head,almost drowning me in its fabric.

I grabbed my bag flinging it over my shoulder,I logged out of tumblr and slipped my phone into my back pocket.

Today.Yes,Today .... I was going to be soooo super close to my idols,my boyfriends,my babies,my world.

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