Chapter 2: "Was it only a dream?"

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Jessica looked at me straight in the eye. I looked away and stared at my shoes. Her friends were right behind her talking obnoxiously loud so that I could hear. They were saying things like "She's so dead" and "Oh don't worry no body will plan a funeral for her because she's a stupid dork".

Well news flash I DONT CARE!!! Well maybe I do just a little.

Jessica began to say something but someone stepped into the conversation. It was Jake!!! I didn't know if he was gonna back me up or put me down. All I hoped was that he wasn't gonna be jerk and support Jessica. Unfortunately this happened "What are you doing here Jakey?" (That was her nickname for him) "I'm here to back you up babe".

I ran to the bathroom before I could hear anymore. I had thousands of thoughts racing through head. Were they actually going out? How could I be so stupid?! Every one in this school loves her! No one sees the true monster inside of her and what she will do to get her way.

I woke up panting and with sweaty palms and my mom racing in. Was it all a dream? "Are you okay sweetie?" My mom said looking apparently very worried. "Yeah I guess" I replied. Was it all really a dream? Did I actually have an Instagram? Was Jake really dating Jessica? What really happened? But with all these questions in my head I drifted back to sleep.

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