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~Diego's POV~

I open my eyes finding it hard to get to sleep, I hear Manny jolt awake and he talks with Ellie but I didn't really care I was gonna be a dad and I was scared as hell. I looked at the sleeping tiger beside me, she was so peaceful and beautiful as she slept and I looked at her stomach noticing that there was a small difference but nothing much. I sighed, I didn't deserve her at all but somehow I've managed to keep her at my side for ages, and I couldn't be happier. I was drawn from my thoughts when an acorn hit my head and two squirrels came running across me and Y/n. Of course this woke her up.

"What's going on?" she's cute when she's sleepy.

"Oh just squirrels being squirrels, why don't you go back to sleep you're gonna need it." I say nuzzling her and purring, knowing it helps her relax.

"Mm, ok, but you sleep too."

"Of course." I watch her lay her head back down and fall asleep almost instantly, I rest my head on top of hers and slowly drift into the world of unconsciousness.

~Y/n's POV~

It was the next day and we were all on our way to find Sid, our silly sloth but this also meant we were on our way to the Plates of Woe. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous or scared.

"Everybody stop!" we all stop at Buck's words, I think we all trust him enough now.

"I smell something." we watch as Buck sniffs the air and then the ground, I also notice Crash sniff himself making a disgusted face afterwards, I try to stifle my laughter at this.

"Hmm, smells like a buzzard's butt fell off... and then got sprayed on by a bunch of skunks."

"That's Sid." I nodded at Diego's comment.

"Mammals! We have ourselves a crime scene. A tuft of fur. Half-eaten carcass. Hunk of... Oh no! Broccoli. " we watched Buck fake gag.

"Here's what I think happened. Dinosaur attacks Sid. Sid fights back with piece of broccoli, leaving dinosaur... a vegetable." I look at Buck, is he serious?

"Are you nuts? Sid's not violent... or coordinated." Diego tells Buck.

"Yeah, and where's the dinosaur?" Manny backs up Diego.

"All right. All right. Good point. Theory two. Sid's eating broccoli. Dinosaur eats Sid. Dinosaur steps on broccoli, leaving broccoli... a vegetable." I rolled my eyes, he may be brave, courageous and smart on some level but he is definitely a weird one.

"Buck, when exactly did you lose your mind?" Manny asked, a very valid question.

"Hmm. Three months ago. I woke up one morning married to a pineapple. An ugly pineapple. But I loved her. " I was surprised Buck even had an answer.

"Uh, Buck?" I walk over to Diego and gasp.

"I think you missed a little clue over here." the others make their way over to us and all staring at where we're looking.

"Well, your friend might be alive, but not for long. Rudy's closing in." we all look at the Plates of Woe that have been knocked straight down through the middle.


"You got it. The Plates of Woe. Or whatever;s left of them." which is pretty much nothing.

We were all now walking along the Plates of Woe one behind the other as you can't really walk side by side, but for me even if it wasn't drastically high it still was high enough for me to be freaked a little bit.

"Single file, everyone. Head for Lava Falls. " we all followed Buck but I hated being up high and Diego had noticed, he moved over so that I could stand on the inside beside him, there was just enough room.

Ice Age : Dawn of the Dinosaurs (Diego x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now