Strong and Wise

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*5 years later*

~Sage's POV~

"Sage, are you sure this is a good idea?" I roll my eyes at Ryker, such a good mummy's boy.

"Ryker, it wouldn't hurt to not be a goody-two-shoes for once in your life." I tell him in a whisper yell.

"Sage, I'm not a goody-two-shoes, I'm just cautious of the consequences."

"That's the same thing."

"No it's not, at the end of the day whose going to be the one in trouble. You, know why?" I stay quiet.

"Because you never listen!" I smirk.

"Yes, but guess whose going to get told by mum that they're disappointed." this time he's quiet.

"You, because you let me drag you down with me." he growls and turns into a grump, currently me and Ryker were out in the fields where mum and dad go to hunt and I wanted to try hunting for the first time properly, without having supervision. Ryker, of course, didn't like the idea of disobeying our parents' words but he always follows, secretly he loves it. We were stalking in the tall grass just like mum and dad had taught us, there was a gazelle ahead of us and I was slowly getting closer to my prey. Once I was close enough I leaped at the gazelle before it began to run away and I chased after it with Ryker following me trying to yell my name but of course I ignored his calls, as I was running I didn't realise the mother of the gazelle was getting ready to kick me. Before, I got the gazelle something pushed me out of the way, stopping my hunt, I was about to get angry at whoever had stopped me but I looked and noticed the mommy gazelle, little gazelle -I was chasing- and Ryker lying on the floor. I snarled at the gazelle's who ran off, before I ran over to my brother.

"Ryker! Are you ok?" I asked in a panic.

"Yeah I'm-I'm fine..." he replied with a hint of pain.

"Why did you do that?" I questioned him with disbelief over what he had done for me.

"Because, you're my sister, Sage. I don't want to see you hurt." I smiled sadly at my brother, he may be a goody-two-shoes but he was the stronger one.

"Can you walk?" I watch him trying to stand but he yelps in pain.

"Ryker!" I stand at his side, to help him stand.

"I can't walk on my right back leg." he tells me.

"I'm so, so sorry. I should've listened." I look down in shame.

"I know." I give him a glare.

"Let's get you to mum and dad." we slowly walk back to where the others were, Ryker still leaning against me for support. When we get there, everyone notices us and Ryker's pained face, I feel more guilty than I already did, all of them rushed over to us.

"Ryker, what happened?" our mother said.

"Well, I..." I couldn't let Ryker take the blame for me.

"It was my fault." I say before anyone could say anything more.

"I wanted to try... hunting by myself, and I dragged Ryker with me. He tried to stop me but I wouldn't listen, I ran after a gazelle when I didn't notice the mother of the gazelle getting ready to kick me, Ryker got there in time to push me out of the way and took the hit. It's my fault he can't use his back leg." I looked down ashamed, waiting for the angry yells and telling off from my parents but it never came, I looked up to see them with ashamed but proud looks on their faces.

"Sage, we're not happy that you decided to disobey our orders but..." my dad began.

"We are proud that you told the truth and didn't let Ryker take the blame. That was very brave, clever and wise of you to do." they both smiled down at me.

"So... I'm not in trouble?" I asked hopefully.

"Oh no, you're definitely in trouble." my mum said and I groaned.

"Yep, as much as we are proud, we're still disappointed in you, so no deer for a month." I gasped in shock.

"A month!"

"Yep." both my parents said.

"We should probably get Ryker to the healer." my mum said.

"You're right, Sage we'll take care of your brother, you can go with Aunt Ellie and Uncle Manny. Go play with Peaches and the possums." 

"Ok dad, I am truly sorry." I tell them.

"It's ok, as long as it wasn't any worse. Just, be more careful and listen next time, ok?" my mum said.

"Oh, don't worry. She admitted that she should have listened, so I think she will from now on." Ryker smirked over at me, and I growled at him.

"You little snitch." I went to move towards him, but stopped.

"Ah, ah, ah. Can't hurt me, cause I took a kick for you and probably have a broken leg." I huffed and walked away as everyone laughed. As much as he infuriates me he is still my brother, and I love him to pieces. He is definitely the strongest out of the both of us.

~Ryker's POV~

My dad picked me up by my scruff, carrying me to the healers. My sister can be a trouble maker, and so infuriating but she's my sister, and I still love her. I may be stronger out of the two of us, but she is definitely smarter, and wiser.

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