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(I had to add in this scene with Scrat just because I actually felt bad for the acorn, don't ask why, I just did. 😂😂Enjoy the story.)

~Y/n's POV~

We were all walking back to where we had first started this crazy journey, some of us may have started feeling scared, sad or worried but we were all leaving with pride and complete happiness. 

"This is it, mammals. Right where you started. This was fun. We could make it a regular thing." Buck is so nice but I din't think we'll be coming back anytime soon.

"I don't know about that. " Ellie tells him.

"Not that we wouldn't want to it's juts, we've got new additions now Buck, it would be a bit dangerous to risk." I tell him.

"Right. Right, yes. 'Cause of all the, uh, mortal peril. Of course." I felt guilty but I know he understands.

"Oh, well. The Buck stops here."

"We couldn't have done it without you." I nod in agreement with Manny.

"Well, obviously." I chuckle.

"But good times just the sa..." we all hear a loud breathing noise and wind go against Buck's fur from behind, he freezes.

"We're not alone, are we?" we all gulp and cower when we see bright red eyes open behind Buck, Buck runs to in front of us to face the beast.

"Hello, Rudy." of course we still end up meeting Rudy, we watch as the biggest dinosaur or animal we've ever seen exits the cave we came from breaking away pieces of it on it's way out. It lets out the loudest roar you'll ever hear.

"Run!" Buck yells and we all begin running as fast as we can dodging the dino, I got a small pain in my stomach but it soon stopped when we were all huddled together.

"Over here, you colossal fossil!" we all look over to Buck whose holding up Rudy's tooth.

"Looking for something?" Buck knows exactly what Rudy wants, his tooth.

"Why don't you come and get it? To the cave! Go!" we all start running to the cave as Rudy chases after Buck, Ellie has Peaches in her trunk and I stand beside her.

"Stay with the baby." Manny tells us.

"We'll be fine. Go." Ellie tells him.

"Be careful Y/n." Diego tells me.

"And you, now go." I rush Diego to follow after Manny.

~Diego's POV~

We get there just in time to see Buck be flung in the air and Rudy's mouth wide open to catch him, I run and leap in the air grabbing Buck before Rudy shut his mouth. Buck runs over to a bunch of plants.

"Shoo! Shoo! Come on! Move!" I watch as they begin to fly in the direction of Rudy causing the dinosaur distress and irritance, this was distracting Rudy.

"Diego!" I watch Manny coming over to throw a vine, I quickly caught on and caught it.

"Gotcha!" I started running around and between Rudy's legs trying to tie them together to stop his movement and bring him down. Buck uses vines to shut his mouth and beings to wrap it around and down his body, encasing his arms in the process. 

"Come on lads! Heave!" Buck yells and we all pull the vines as tight as we can bringing the dinosaur down right in front of Buck.

"Better luck next time, snowflake. This isn't going to hold him long! Let's go!" we all begin to move as quickly as possible while we have the time. 

Ice Age : Dawn of the Dinosaurs (Diego x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now