Chapter 9

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It has been a couple of days since I had that talk with Aunt Nat.
Today, my aunts, Wanda and I are going back to the house to get whatever I need to stay at the compound for a while. I will also have limited contact with my family to ensure their safety.

My dad, Clint, is staying with my mom and siblings where as I will stay with my aunts at the compound. That was the agreement.

My aunts were very careful to make sure that no one was following us, and eventually we reached the house.

Wanda helped me pack everything I need.
I even took some of my school books with me, so that I can do revisions from time to time in order to not forget anything.

We went downstairs where everyone was seated and sat in my chair.

L: Did you get everything you need sweetie?
Me: Yeah, I did. Don't worry.

Today, my Aunts were supposed to tell my parents about my nightmares and the fact that I'm taking some time off from school, but I didn't want to tell them. I don't want to tell them about my nightmares, because I'm moving away from them and they won't be able to do anything. They'll just worry more.

M: So, Clint and Laura, we need to tell you something about Y/N.
L: Go ahead.
N: Well, for a while now, she has been having........
(I cut her off)
Me: Actually!! Mom, dad. What they want to tell you is that I'm taking some time off from school. I know I only have a semester left but I can't handle that right now with everything else that's going on. I am taking a semester off for now but I may extend it to a year.
C: Oh honey, that's your choice. We will support whatever you choose to do. I think it's a great idea. Now, you'll always be protected until we can figure everything out.
Me: Mom?
L: It's your decision baby. You don't need to ask us anything. You're an adult and know what you want in life. You can make your own decisions.
N: Y/N. Can I talk to you in private?
Me: Ok.......

We went to another room and closed the door behind us.
N: What happened sweetie? Why didn't you tell them?
Me: I'm moving away and they are all going to stay here. What good is telling them going to do? They'll just worry more. I'm staying with you guys at the compound. They don't have to find out about anything.
N: Ok... But if it gets worse, we will have to tell them.
Me: Ok. But I don't think it will. For the past couple of days, I haven't had a single nightmare. Ever since I started sleeping with Wanda, I'm doing fine.
N: Ohh, I almost forgot. Tony called a while ago and told me that you can move in with Wanda, since your dad isn't there and no one will mention anything.
Me: Thank you.

Side Note:
Ever since I decided to stay at the compound, my dad gave me a separate room but I've been sneaking into Wanda's room every night and we sleep cuddling together.
I haven't had a nightmare ever since we started doing that and it was going great.

Back to the story:
M: Sorry to interrupt but we need to start heading back if we are going to make it before dark.
Me: Let's go.

I hugged my parents and siblings and we started heading back.

I was really excited to spend some time with my aunts and Wanda.
I wanted to go on a date with her but due to safety precautions, I'm not allowed to go outside without one of my aunts and I'm not going to go on my first date with my AUNT!

We got back without any problems.
Wanda and I went up to her room and started unpacking.
She had created space for my things before we left, so we immediately started.

Me: Heyy Wands? Do you mind if I just take a walk around the compound? I need to clear my head before dinner.
W: Sure princess. Go ahead.

As I was walking around, I saw a door that was slightly open.
I looked inside and it looked like a lab of some sort.

Y/N Barton x Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now