Chapter 21

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After a couple of minutes, aunt Maria and Bruce came into the room.
B: How are you feeling kiddo?
Me: Better than I deserve. When can I get out of here?
B: Anytime you want. Just make sure to rest.
Me: Great.....

I quickly got up but my legs gave up.
My legs wobbled and I was about to fall.
Aunt Maria immediately caught me and held me to her chest.

M: Come on sweetie. Let me carry you to bed.
Me: No, no. I'm ok.
M: Don't make me go 'Aunt Nat' on you. Now stop arguing.

Aunt Maria carried me to my room and placed me on my bed.
Me: Can we cuddle for a while?
M: Of course. I miss you and want cuddles. Even if you get tired of me, I'm not budging.

She got in bed next to me and held me tight.
Me: I'm sorry....
M: Don't be baby. You did nothing wrong. We shouldn't have left you alone like that.
Me: Yeah, but I'm 21 years old. You should be able to leave me alone without worrying.
M: Yes, you are 21 years old, but you went through something that most people don't go through in their entire life, regardless of their age. I'm sorry baby. I wish you had called me sooner. I didn't know aunt Nat was gone too. Otherwise, I would've come.
Me: What about your work?
M: I brought it with me. I will spend a couple of hours a day in the office but at least I will be here with you.
Me: Thank you......

I squeezed her tighter.
Me: Does aunt Nat know?
M: Now yet. Do you want her to know?
Me: No..... I don't want her to be distracted. I need her to focus on not getting hurt.
M: Ok sweetie. I promise I won't tell her, if you promise to tell me everything that upsets you or makes you anxious or if you need anything.
Me: I will, I promise.
M: Now, I'm going to go downstairs and cook you some chicken and rice and then come and get you. Sound good?
Me: Are you going to eat with me?
M: Do you want me to?
Me: Yes.....
M: Then, I will. Now, rest. I'll be right back.

I was laying in bed, waiting for aunt Maria when I heard Wanda's voice in my head.
W: Heyy baby, you awake?
Me: Ohh Myy Gooddddd!! Baby!! I'm so glad you talked!!!
W: Baby.... Is something wrong?
Me: Promise to not freak out?
W: I promise baby. Tell me.
Me: I passed out.....
W: You what?!!! Why?!!!
Me: You promised to not freak out remember.....
W: You're right...... I'm sorry.....
Me: In the last 72 hours, I have slept for 7 hours in total, ate nothing and have done a 13-14 hour work out. I passed out at lunchtime today and woke up about 30 minutes ago.
W: Awww baby...... I'm so sorry. I know it's hard, but I'm going to need you to eat. Can you do that for me?
Me: Yes baby, don't worry. When I woke up, I saw aunt Maria. She came when she heard what was going on and is now cooking me chicken and rice. Just focus on the mission baby. I'll be fine, I promise. If something happens, I promise I'll let you know. I love you Wanda.
W: I love you too baby. I'm sorry but I have to go. I'll talk to you later.
Me: Ok love. Be safe.
W: Always.

After a minute, aunt Maria came back in and carried me downstairs.
Me: You know I can walk right? You don't have to carry me everywhere.
M: I'll let you walk after you have eaten the entire plate.
Me: The entire plate?!! That's too much!!
M: You can do it sweetie. I'm here with you. One bite at a time.

Thor came in and sat next to me for support.
Th: Come on little midguardian!! I know you can do it!!

After about an hour, I had finished my plate and both of them cheered me on.
We went to watch a movie together as a team, when I heard Wanda's voice in my head.

W: B-babe? Please tell me you can hear me.....
Me: I can!! What's wrong?!! Why is your voice like that?!
W: I'm hurt. I'm bleeding. I need help. Send Tony quickly!!
Me: Babe? Babe?! Babe!! Babe!!

She passed out.
Ohh fuck!!!

Everyone jumped, because we were just seated and watching TV.
T: What happened Y/N?! Why are you screaming?!
T: I can't do that........
T: She's at the hydra base where you were kept when you were a kid. Why?

Y/N Barton x Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now