⚠️ Chapter 22 ⚠️

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I woke up to small kisses being planted on my face.
I looked up and saw Wanda with the goofiest smile on her face.

Me: Good morning love.....
W: Good morning princess. How are you feeling?
Me: I'm great, honestly. I'm excited for the day to start. I'm staaarrrvvviiiinnnngggggg though.
W: (laughs) Come on love. Let's get you coffee and breakfast.

I think this is becoming some sort of a habit. Every morning before going downstairs, Wanda kisses me and says 'Let's get you coffee and breakfast.'

I love it everytime she does that.

We get downstairs and my aunts are preparing breakfast and flipping pancakes.

M: It most certainly is.
N: Good morning sweetie. What's got you so happy today?
Me: I woke up next to the woman that I love and came down to my aunts. What is there to not be happy about?
W: I love you princess.

We sat and ate breakfast together.

When we were in the kitchen talking and eating, Jarvis spoke.
J: Sorry to interrupt.
N: Go ahead Jarvis
J: Nick Fury is in his office and wants to talk to Miss Barton.
N: Thank you.

Me: Where is his office?
N: Next to Tony's lab.
Me: Ok, let me finish this pancake and I'll go.
W: He doesn't like to wait Y/N. You should hurry up.
Me: That's ok. I'm not part of the team yet, so I can do whatever I want.

After 10 minutes, I finished my breakfast and headed to his office.
I knocked and heard a 'come in.'

I went into the office confidently and said to Fury:
Me: EYE-PATCHHHH!! It's an honor to finally meet you.
F: Name's Nick Fury. Everybody calls me Fury.
Me: Yeaaahhhhh.... No. Eye-patch suits better.
F: You're late. I called you like 10 minutes ago.
Me: I was having breakfast. I'm sure you saw how much energy I had after I knocked those agents down. I needed every bite I could have.
F: I see you have your aunt Nat's and uncle Tony's sense of humor.
Me: *gasps* How rude!! I am nothing like them!! My sense if humor is far, FAR more superior than theirs.
F: Take a seat and let's begin.
Me: Ok eye-patch.

After 2 hours, we were almost done.
We agreed that I would sign on a basis of 1 year. After the year is up, I will have the chance to leave if I want. I won't go on any missions, unless I want to and they agree. I will train my powers, so that I will have them under control. And they would pay for my schooling in the coming years. My last semester and my masters. I had to put that in, because I can't rely on my parents. I mean they can cut off my funds at any moment, and I don't want to be in that position.

F: Ok. Now that everything's done, the only thing left is your salary.
Me: Yes, let's get to the juicy bits eye-patch.
F: Will you stop calling me that?! Anyone can hear you!
Me: Awwwww.... Don't worry eye-patch. Everyone is still afraid of you and respects you. Except me of course. I respect you but I'm not afraid.
F: You know what? I like you. You're calm, funny and speak your mind. You're nothing like the others.
Me: Be careful there eye-patch, I'm already taken. And plus, you're older than my parents.
F: You know that's not what I meant. Ok, back to the salary. I'm prepared to offer you a salary of 300K a year.
Me: Since you're starting with that, then I know you're prepared to go up to 500-600k. And plus, you know I'm worth more than that. I mean I have the fighting skills of my aunt Nat, the powers of more than 3 avengers: Wanda, Pietro and Steve. I have telekinesis, mind reading, superspeed, superstrenght and healing abilities. Just imagine what I can do if I get them under control and end up on the wrong side just because you weren't prepared to offer me a big enough check. What will people think?
F: How much do you want?
Me: 1.5 million a year.
F: 500K.
Me: 1.3 mil/
F: 800K.
Me: 1 mil. Final offer or I walk.
F: Deal!!
Me: Plus, I want an additional 100K for every mission I do.
F: You got it. Anything else?
Me: I want a 300K raise on Wanda's salary as well. She deserves it, especially after the last mission.
F: Ok, you have my word.
Me: Ok, I'm going to trust you on this eye-patch. Now, I want to show the contract to a lawyer before I sign.
F: That's totally ok. Here you go. Just let me know, by the end of the week.
Me: Thank you. See you eye-patch.
F: See you little agent.
Me: What did you call me?
F: This works both ways. If you're going to call me eye-patch, then I'm calling you little agent, because you're tiny and fierce.
Me: That's fair. See you eye-patch.
F: I'm coming with you. I have to say goodbye to the rest before I leave. Plus, I have to talk to Wanda Maximoff.

Y/N Barton x Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now