The stars,
Look at the stars, shining so bright,
And the moon?
The prettiest ever,
I wish I could talk to the stars,
I wonder how does it feel to have friends like stars and moon?
So pretty that you get lost in the world of fantasy
A fantasy of lovers holding each other's hands, looking at the moon,
The shine of the night sky falling on their faces, their eyes glistening with the shine of stars,
Maybe the fantasy will end with the lovers realizing what love truly means,
I wonder how does it feel like to be able to see a night sky full of stars,
Counting on the stars as the only ones you trust,
Like soulful bits of beauty,
Those bits giving you a life to live in your own world, with no one to judge you,
No one to question you,
No one to hate you,
And no one to break you apart anymore,
A world where it's just you, the stars, and the moon,
Where you laugh, and cry the tears of joy,
But as tears drop on your skin, it glistens,
Glistens with the star light,
Making your star dust soul look even prettier in a way that you can see a heartwarming poetry dedicated to your charm,
The charm you never notice because the words of the world are like shards across your skin,
Cause the words of the world are breaking your soul into bits,
But maybe those bits are like those soulful bits of beauty present up in the sky,
Those stars you see?
The stars so soulful,
The moon so pretty,
That you forget the reality, and find an escape,
And as long as you're in this world of stars and moon,
No one can break you,
The pieces of your soul would glisten again in the star light to remind you that you're a part of the cosmos,
The Cosmos, infinite, yet just within you.
Unsent Letters With Words Unsaid.
PoetryIt is always going to be just you, the stars and some pages lying all over your place, And you will wait for a language to speak about things that haunts you, but I think you will prefer staying quiet. I guess, Unsaid Words are a language of their o...