"It's just a phase,
You will get through this",
tired of hearing the same thing over and over,
when will this come true,
Days, weeks and then months passed,
when I turn pages of my diary,
I'm still writing about how low I feel,
Nothing's changed in months,
The year is to be over soon,
but I'm still here,
turning the same pages,
still figuring out why it all seems wrong,
This urge to scream my heart out
is still there,
since months,
soon it will be a new year,
I'll keep assuring myself that
it is a new year so new me,
but deep inside I know
it's a lie.
A lie I keep telling myself maybe every year,
and when I tell anyone
I'm okay just not feeling to good
everytime I end up hearing,
"You'll get through this, it's just a phase",
when will that phase be over?
Is that phase never ending?
Will it end the day I give up?
when will that phase be no more here
sticking with me like a ghost,Maybe this phase is the only phase I don't wanna be a part of.

Unsent Letters With Words Unsaid.
PoesieIt is always going to be just you, the stars and some pages lying all over your place, And you will wait for a language to speak about things that haunts you, but I think you will prefer staying quiet. I guess, Unsaid Words are a language of their o...