Chapter 5. Interrupted

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A/n: the chapters are going to be shorter then they were at the start just btw


November12- 1- It- ErRor errOr-

It had been six days since Papa G told us what they were here. I was scared at first because I had never heard of 'good assassins.' I mean, I was five so I barely knew what an assassin was. Now I know we are the good guys though.

Basically, we're like private contractors for the US government. Since we're private we don't have to follow all the rules government assassins have to, which aren't many but they do still have some. We don't have any rules other then the morally right ones, like we don't kill kids (under 18. It use to be 21, but some stuff happened and we changed it.)

For personal reasons you know already I don't kill people with kids either, but we usually get someone else to do it anyway. BUT we do take in the kids and give them the same care [and choice] that we get.

So yeah, we're the good guys. Unless you're a pacifist. (Someone who's against violence no matter the reason. If you didn't know.) In that case you won't even know about us.

So anyway I-


I seriously can't have just a week away from my life can I... just to write a story of my life? No? Sometimes I really hate it here.

"I DID NOTHING BLAKE WHY ARE YOU MAD AT ME?!" Of course it was Blake and Hunter screaming at each other. When was it not? Never. That's when.



"Hunter put red tips in my hair and now I look goth! So the fire might be better!" Blake yelled at me again.

I gave him a look. He knew what it meant. 'What did I just say?'

"Sorry. But I mean you know how I love my hair." He gave me a pouty look.

"Wha- no I didn't! I prank him all the time but this!" He pointed at Blake's newly red tipped hair. "This was not me."

I looked at Hunter. Trying for the hundredth time to read his mind. He has the same powers as I do so I can't read his mind. I can talk to him telepathically but I can only hear what he's saying to me if he lets me. It was annoying sometimes. No, wait...

All the time.

Are you lying to me Hunter?

No! I swear! I've pulled a lot of pranks on Blake but this would be too far. You don't mess with a mans hair.

Hunter was very adamant when it came to messing with someone's hair. It was weird but we all knew it.

(WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! I never fully explained what was going on. So I was writing a story about me life and Blake and Hunter cut me off so now we're in the present. October 25, 2015)

A/N: This part is taking place in 2015 so the triplets are 16, Blake is 17, and Henry is 13. It's not the present year I'm writing this but it is when the story is taking place.

"Could you two stop talking with your minds! It's annoying." He looked at me. "Did he do it?"

I looked up at Hunter from my desk chair one more time before answering Blake.

"No. We all know how big he is on not touching hair."

Blake looked at me for a few seconds. "Fine. But I'm trusting you right now Hailey."

"And I'm telling the truth right now Blake." I said with an innocent smile.

He stared at me for another second before leaving.

I looked at Hunter again. I raised my eyebrows silently asking if he was telling the truth.

He put his hands up in defense. "I swear on Amber's life I'm telling the truth when I say, I. Didn't. Do. It."

"Woah woah woah!" I said standing up and leaning over to rest my hands on my desk. I tilted my head at him. "On Amber's life?" We all loved Amber the most so it was a big deal.

"On. Amber's. Life." He drew out the L to be dramatic.

"Fine. Alright, I believe you."

"Thank you! Finally someone believes me." He mumbled out that last part.

I looked at him with a sad look. "Not even Macy?" Hunter had liked Macy for a long time but she never really liked him. He was trying to get her to but it was posing a challenge for him.

He shook his head then he was put the door. Leaving me alone to get back to writing.

Finally. Peace and quiet.

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