Chapter 9. Eric

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November 5,8:30A.M.

We had a new rookie coming in today. Apparently he was 17, which was weird considering we usually only bring in little kids.

I was walking down a hallway, Blake in almost perfect sync with me. The heels of my boots clicking on the cement floor faster then usual. I was nervous about this guy. "So what's up with the new kid coming in?"

"Apparently he's the son of one of my dads old friends. I met him..." He kept looking straight ahead, his gaze not wavering.

"And?" I said trying to pull the information out of him.

He glanced down at me. He pulled me over into a room he knew didn't have cameras in it. "There's something off about him. I can't pinpoint what it is but there's something there that he's trying to hide."

"Did you tell your dad?"

"Yes! That's the weirdest thing. Usually he listens to me when I say stuff like that, but he just shunned me away. It's like he's scared of this kids dad. I don't get it."

"That is weird..." I said trying to think of an explanation. "Maybe this kid is like a delinquent or something and his dad wants us to like... beat it out of him."


"You think I'll get anything from him?" I said walking out of the room with Blake close behind.

"Probably. I mean the only person's mind you can't read is Hunter's. Just try when we see him."

We walked through the main area, checked with Henry on the sparing mats, to the primary door.

(Like a big garage door not like a front door. Yk they gotta be extra)

We opened it just in time to see a black SUV pull up. A tall, fit man with black hair stepped out on the side closet to us. Then what I assumed was the son walked from the other side.

Holy mother of Mary this guy was hot.

What was I saying? Blake said there was something wrong about him. I trust Blake's instinct. I'm supposed to be suspicious of this guy. What was he using some Jedi mind trick on me? No those only work on weak minded people and I'm not-

"Really Hailey? Pop culture ref-" I heard a voice say from behind me.

I jumped, throwing a punch out of reaction.

"Woah clam down bonfire." Hunter said dodging and grabbing my wrist.

"You scared me. When are you gonna learn that's a bad idea?" I said relaxing a bit before tightening up again remembering what I was thinking a second ago.

I snapped my head over at Hunter. "Did you..."

"Yep." He said not even looking at me.

"You mean just the Jedi stuff or..."

"All of it."

I nodded my head slowly.

"Are we gonna greet them or just stand here?" Blake asked not even bothering to ask what we were talking about.

"Right." I took a deep breath before I started walking towards them.

I stoped right in front of the two and extended my arm, slightly upwards. It's not that I was really short or anything it's just that he's really tall.

Well... I mean I am short... but he's also really tall.

"Nice to meet you. You must be Hailey Harper." He said with what I knew was a forced smile.

So it's not just his son.

"That's right sir. I'm sure you'll want to see Papa G right away so-" I started before he cut me off.

"Papa G?" I could tell he was amused.

"Well that's what everyone here calls him. Ever since we were kids. It's habit." I said with an equally forced smile. Something about how he said it was like he was mocking me.

"Well I just call him Tom." He smiled visibly holding back a chuckle.

I looked at Blake. I actually never knew Papa G's real name but I'm assuming his son does.

Blake gave me a small nod.

"Well whatever you want to call him doesn't change the fact that he's waiting for you." I scrunched me nose giving him a face that clearly said I was a bit annoyed.

"A little cranky are we Ms. Harper?" He said audibly laughing this time.

Anger started boiling inside me. Boiling being literal since sometimes when I was really mad my pyrokinesis(ability to control fire) got out of control.

"Dad don't be like that." The son said with a serious voice stepping up to his dads side.

I snapped out of it and stared at him for a little bit.

He looked at me with sympathetic eyes and smiled.

Wow. That smile. It was like a unicorn farted out pixie dust.

"I'm Eric." He said with that same perfect smile. He extended his hand towards me.

I zoned out a bit and just kept staring.

Hunter cleared his throat. Nudging me with his elbow.

I snapped back to reality and let out a nervous laugh.

He chuckled too as I shook his hand.

"Hailey." I was smiling from ear to ear at this point.

Blake was the one to clear his throat this time. I didn't have to read his mind to feel the anger radiating off of him.

"If you don't mind." Blake said glaring at Eric. "I'm sure my father is wondering where we are and why we're late."

Blake glanced at me for a split second while he was turning to walk away. The rage in his eyes broke my heart.

I'd never seen him look at me like that.

We ha been best friends since that day we met and I hid him from Victor and his band of mindless minions.

I just stared after him in shock as he left.

Hey, he'll forgive you later. That's what you guys do. Every time without fail.

Hunter smiled at me as he was tele-talking to me. That's what we called it.

Thanks Hunter.

I gave him a sad smile as we started walking after Blake and the rest of them. I didn't like when he was mad at me.

But Hunter was right. He'd realize it was dumb to be mad at me and begrudgingly forgive me. I'd apologize for flirting with the new kid. We'd hug it out and everything would be back to normal.

That's what always happened.

Why did this time feel different?



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