Chapter 11. The Talk

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November 19,5:30p.m.






Oh screw it.

"BLAKE! Blake Price if you don't get your ass out here right now I'll burn this place to the ground with you and me in it!" I said in the loudest voice I could while walking through the compound. It was an empty threat but no one could really ever tell with me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whipped around to only to come face to face with Hunter.

"You ok?"

I stared at him blankly. "No Hunter I am not okay!" I started tearing up again. Why do I keep doing that? I wiped the moisture away from my eyes.

Hunter stared at me for a minute before nodding slightly. "Blake's in his room." I thanked him before walking off. But he grabbed my wrist making me turn around again. "Before you talk to him... try and calm down. You'll end up saying shit you don't mean." Hunter was almost never serious. It was always sarcasm and sassyness, jokes and comments. I knew what he was saying was right. I didn't want to admit it but it was.

"Ok." I said simply, not breaking eye contact for a little while.

He let go of my wrist before I started walking off again.

Blake was going to forgive me if he wanted to keep his best friend.

~|lil time skip brought to you by me being in WAY too many fandoms|~

"Blake! Open the door I know you're in there!" I said banging on the door again. "Blake. If you don't open this door right now I'll—" I was cut off by the door swinging open.

"You'll what? Burn me to a crisp? Set the place on fire? Or no! Even better! You'll tell your new boyfriend and he'll do something." He stared me dead in the eyes for about 10 seconds before saying something again. "Am I getting warmer?"

"No you're not. And he's not my boyfriend. I was going to say if you didn't open the door I was going to leave and I wasn't going to come back this time. I was going to give you one more chance to forgive me.... But I guess I have your answer." I spoke in a level tone. I was again on the verge of tears. I was too scared to look him in the eye, so I just walked away.

"Hailey wait." I kept walking. "Hailey please... I...

I'm sorry.."

I stopped. My eyes were welling up with tears. I didn't turn around but I was willing to listen.

"You shouldn't be the one apologizing. I should." I could hear his footsteps slowly coming up closer.

"I was being the asshole. I just.." He stopped. Like he wanted to say something but his mouth wouldn't let him say it. "I was worried about you. I told you there was something up with him. But you didn't listen. So I got mad. I threw a little temper tantrum and I'm sorry. I should be the one asking for your forgiveness."

There was a long silence. I slowly turned around. Still not making eye contact. I just looked at the ground. "I-" my voice cracked. I was just tipping over the verge of tears at this point. "...I forgive you." I said finally looking up at him. He smiled as soon as I said that. He opened his arms and I slowly stepped forward and leaned my head against his chest. I was much shorter then him. So I just buried my head in his chest.

I wrapped my arms around him and just cried. "I- *hiccup* I'm- *hiccup*"

"Don't you dare apologize again. You have nothing to be sort about."

I sniffled and looked up at him. I swallowed and breathed for a second to try and get rid of the hiccups. "I was gonna say you were being an asshole." I chuckled.

He chuckled too, pulling me closer and resting his chin on the top of my head.

If someone saw this they would probably think we were dating. Thankfully, Blake (and other important people such as myself) got his own separate area away from the others.

Then I heard footsteps. I thought it was just gonna be an awkward moment having to explain this situation to someone.

But as soon as the footsteps sounded Blake's grip on me tightened. I immediately tensed up.

Who could have gotten in here that Blake would feel the need to keep a grip on me?

Victor? Nick? Oh I swear if it's Victor...

I tried to pull away to look but he just held me tighter.

"Could I have a word with Hailey please." A cold yet familiar voice said from behind me.

Eric. Of course. Blake still doesn't trust him.

"She's busy right now." Blake said with an equally cold voice.

"I need to talk to her. In private." I could practically feel Eric glaring at Blake.

I pulled slightly away and looked up at Blake giving him a small nod. He sighed and let go.

I wiped my nose and eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie. Sniffing one last time before turning to face him.

"What do you need?" I said purposefully not making eye contact, knowing my eyes were still red and puffy.

"In private."



"Anything you need to say to me you can say in front of him." I said looking him dead in the eye.

He stared at me for a second before huffing and just walking away.

Trying to at least. I stopped him with my telekinesis.

"I said. Anything you need to say to me. You can say." I started pulling him toward me. He was struggling against me. It wasn't doing much. "In front. Of him."

"It's nothing Hailey."

"Tell me."

"I said-"

"Don't lie to me Eric." I said glaring at him.

"Hailey just let me go-"

"TELL ME!" I was getting out of control. Hannah was trying to make her big entrance.

"Hailey calm down." Blake sad with a soft voice, hinted with concern.



"...Hannah stop."

I froze. "'s not Hannah... it's me..."

(I'll explain Hannah in a few)

"Now back to you. What were you going to say?"


"Don't lie to me again."

"I was going to ask you out 

I blinked a few times. Releasing him from my non-physical grip.

"What the fu-"


So Hailey has a split personality and Hannah is the psycho half of her. I just said cause of her telekinesis she purposefully did that so she wouldn't hurt anyone.(that didn't deserve it) 

Though they made a deal the Hannah gets to come out on weekend nights. It was a shitty idea but it was the only way to keep her under control.

Also yes, I did change the ending a wee bit cause I didn't like what I was before😅

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