Lieutenant Lovesick

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The ship is starting to touch down now. If you look closely, you can just see the dark crop of hair on the pilot, catch a glimpse of a fierce grin through the windscreen. Already, mechanics and nav crew members are rushing towards the X-Wing, trying to see if Poe Dameron has managed to finally screw up one space mission and give them something to fix on his ship. You doubt they'll be that fortunate- Poe's one of the best pilots. That's just how it works, even if it means the mechanics have a lot less to do.

Poe stands up, climbing down the side of his X-Wing and checking to make sure his BB unit is being pulled out as well. He exchanges a few words with an overeager intel agent already pressing him for news on the latest mission, then starts heading through the crowd in the hangar bay. You hesitate for one second more, two, then turn away and start heading down the corridors of the Resistance base.

If you're lucky, you have just left yourself enough time to get back to your station before anyone notices that you've stepped away. However, it does not appear that the galaxy is on your side today. Tela, your best friend, reaches out an arm in front of the door just as you attempt to head back into the room with your fellow officers. She raises an eyebrow at you. "Gawking at Dameron again?"

Your cheeks flame as you hurriedly glance around the corridor, making sure no one can hear you. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Tela flashes you a victorious grin. "No? You weren't in the hangar, trying to catch a glimpse of Poe Dameron as he returns from his latest space cruise for General Organa? What else were you doing?" You smile feebly. "I was, uh, patrolling the area?"

Tela laughs. "You're ridiculous." You grin broadly at that. "Maybe. But weren't you the one who just happened to keep stopping by the med bay to check on Finn?" Tela's jaw drops. "I know you're not bringing that up right now. We're bullying you, not me." A voice from behind you makes you straighten up in panic. "I thought bullying was against Resistance policy."

When you turn around, Poe is standing behind you. Of course it's Poe. Of course. You wonder how much of the conversation he heard, and you can only hope that he conveniently missed the part where Tela was making fun of you for crushing on him. You realize Poe's looking at you like he's expecting an answer. "It's less bullying and more mild teasing. I'm just noticing how often Tela visits the med bay, even when she's not injured."

Tela stares at you with unabashed outrage, but a grin slides its way across Poe's face. "Actually, I think I know what you mean. Didn't I see you in there a couple standard hours ago?" You turn to face Tela with new interest. "Wait, I didn't know about this. You didn't tell me you left." Poe nods with mock concern. "It was right when Finn was there for a checkup, too."

You look back at him. "Did they speak?" Poe returns your conspiratorial gaze. "I don't think so. A few waves were exchanged." You incline your head in acceptance. "I think that's the best we can get." Poe mirrors your serious expression. "I think so too, officer. See you around." With that, he issues a wave of his own before heading off down the corridor once more, presumably to go report back to General Organa.

Tela hardly waits for him to disappear around the corner before she turns to you, eyes wide. "Look at you go! I think that was the first interaction you've had in weeks. I almost believed you weren't staring at him mournfully a few minutes ago." You swat her shoulder. "It wasn't like that. He approached me." Tela jumps back from your blow, pretending to rub her arm in pain. "Hey, you can't hit me. I just sacrificed my humiliation over the med bay so you two could smirk together like you were best friends."

You smile at her, clasping your hands together over your heart and eliciting a laugh. "And what a sacrifice it was. Your name will go down among the Resistance heroes for all eternity." Tela chuckles. "So will yours. Y/N L/N, spoke with Poe Dameron once and will never forget it for the rest of her life." When you move to swat her again, Tela is ready and dodges out of the way.

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