Chapter 4

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Just a heads up everyone. This chapter will be just a cringe, boring, fluff chapter lol so uh- I'm sorry if it gets boring. You can skip this btw if you want to. It's not important to the actual storyline so.


It had been half an hour since they stopped playing. Alex had fallen asleep already with his head nudging onto Wilbur's shoulder. He checked his watch, "16:34"

The taller boy picked him up and walked to the bedroom. He placed him down on the bed and sat down next to him. Wilbur pats his head gently. He went to close the curtains to dim the lights in the room.

Wilbur crawled on to the bed and under the sheets. He caressed the other boy's face and went to sleep.

It was the next day, and Alex woke up. Holy shit, he'd been sleeping for 16 hours?! Alex quickly grabbed his phone to check the time. He turned around to see the older boy rubbing his eyes, half awake.

"What time... is it-" He asked, obviously still tired.

"It's already 8 o'clock." Alex told him.

Wilbur got up and went to his cabinet. He grabbed his bag and dug through it. He grabbed out his diary and went to sit on the bed.

Alex looked at him. He smiled a little and patted his head softly. Wilbur got a little flustered and turned a slight shade of red. The younger boy grabbed the other boy's glasses and put it on him.

"You know, you look way better with glasses." He admired the older boy.

The older boy stared at him, "Really? You think so?"

Alex nodded. Wilbur smiled and scoffed. He threw his diary on to the bed and looked back at the younger boy. He giggled a little bit.

Wilbur held the younger boy's hand and caressed it. "You know, you have really soft hands."

The younger boy's face flushed light red, "Is that supposed to be a good thing..?-"

The taller man laughed and nodded.

"I um- I think I'm gonna go take a shower." Alex got up and went to the bathroom.

Wilbur grabbed his diary and started writing.

September 26th, 2021

Dear diary,

I've been feeling much better lately. Alex has been staying over for the past 3 days and he hasn't left since. He's only gone for some groceries, but other than that, he never left.

3 more days until I meet my family. I'm really excited to go and see them. They'll never expect me coming since it's been such a long time.


Wilbur shuts his book and placed it back in his bag. He shoved his bag back into the cabinet.

Soon after, Alex came out of the bathroom with his hair all wet. He sat on the chair and sighed. Wilbur went up to him.

"Go dry your hair before you get sick." Wilbur demanded.

Alex rolled his eyes, "Oh come on, I'll be fine—"

The older boy narrowed his eyes, "Do it or I'll make you."

"Then make me." Alex challenged.

The taller man didn't hesitate, and picked the younger boy up, walking to the bathroom. Alex got flustered and hit him, not too hard.

"Idiot-! Put me down!" He yelled.

Wilbur put him down, making him sit on the chair. He grabbed a blow dryer and started drying his hair.

"You know, you have a lot of hair." Wilbur said as he blow dried his hair.

Alex rolled his eyes, "Don't complain about it. It isn't bad."

After they had finished, Alex stumbled out of the bathroom. Wilbur giggled at him quietly and walked out. He saw the younger boy sitting on the bed with his phone in his hand. He got on the bed with him.

"Hey, what you doing?" Wilbur asked.

"Nothing-" Alex put down his phone and crossed his arms. "Why?"

The older boy shrugged, "Can we do something?"

"What do you wanna do then?"

Wilbur hugged the other boy. "Hmm... Like cuddling, you know?"

Alex's face went red and he hit him gently. "Wh- No-!"

"Yes. You asked me what I wanted to do." The older boy closed his eyes and snuggled on to the other boy's shoulder.

"You're such a baby..-" Alex looked at him, but he kind of liked it.

"Mhm, don't act like you hate it."

The younger boy rolled his eyes, "Yeah, whatever-"

Then he looked at the older boy again. He then gave up and cuddled him back. The older boy smiled at him and caressed it hand.

"You're an idiot-" Alex pushed him slightly.

Wilbur rolled his eyes, "Okay whatever."


I'm running out of ideas. I'm sorry this was boring and cringe I tried-

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