Chapter 8

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I'm too addicted to this song, okay? Really on loop rn.

I'm gonna take attendance, say "here" in the comments section or else I'm haunting you in your sleep 🔪


Wilbur took out his phone, and scrolling through Twitter. He always hated when Alex had to leave him alone. The man knew he wasn't a baby anymore, and he could go out. In fact, he was even older than the boy.

Wilbur walked back to his room and sat down on the bed. Did Alex really expect for him to be able to sleep without him? Honestly, that's just- questionable.

It had been a few hours since Alex left the house, and Wilbur was already worn out. He already misses him. He just wanted him to be back already. It was boring without him.

Wilbur couldn't stop thinking what could be happening to Alex right now? He could be kidnapped right now, or even harassed. He tried not to think about any of it, but he couldn't. Wilbur was way too worried about him.

[With Alex]

Alex was making his way to a building from Wilbur's house. It looked like sort of a night club. It was still afternoon, what was he doing at a night club? He entered there and leaned on the counter. The boy took out his cigarette and lit it up. Then a man approached him. Alex didn't know who it was, and decided to ignore him.

The man walked up to him, "What are you doing in here? The club is closed."

"I could ask you the same." Alex crossed his arms.

"I'm here to get a drink."

Alex rolled his eyes, "My friend invited me here."

The man looked at him, "Is he coming anytime soon?"

Alex ignored him, and pulled out his phone. He started checking some new tweets. The man's face formed a little smirk before walking closer to the boy. Alex looked up at him and hissed, then he went back to looking at his phone.

He felt the man's hand running up his leg, "So, you single?"

The boy looked up at him in discomfort. He knew he had to lie right now, "No, well I-" Alex hesitated, "I have a boyfriend."

The man scoffed, "Well, he doesn't have to know.."

"Fuck off, I'm not interested." Alex looked back at his phone.

The man grabbed Alex's waist and pulled him closer, "You're really stubborn, you know?"

Alex hissed at him once more, "Dickhead, leave me the fuck alone, or you won't live another day."

The man obviously laughed at this, "What would a person like you do?!"

The boy pushed him and swept him off of his foot, making him fall on to the ground. The man chuckled, "Wow, you're strong, hm?"

"Look, I'm not interested, and-" Alex exhaled, "I have a fucking boyfriend."

The man got back on his feet, "Like I said, he doesn't have to know. You know you want to."

Alex pushed him, hard. "Look, I said fuck off."

"Oh now come-" The man didn't get to finish his sentence, and the boy threw a punch right at his face.

"Say another word, I dare you." Alex scoffed, and walked off.

[With Wilbur]

Wilbur got a little worried, and decided to pull out his phone. He quickly went to Alex's dm's and started texting him.



Hey Alex


Are you ok

Pls respond


I'm fine

Don't worry, I can take
care of myself

I miss u :(

I'll come back soon idiot

Stay safe


Wilbur got less worried than before. He threw his phone on the bed and laid down. He tried to take a nap in case he couldn't sleep during the night, but he couldn't.

It was 8 pm, and Wilbur was watching a movie on his laptop. He had gotten a little tired already, but he couldn't fall asleep whatsoever.

He waited and waited, as his eyes started to get really tired. He tried so hard to keep them open. Wilbur wanted to wait until Alex gets back before he sleeps, even if Alex told him not to stay up. He was a stubborn person after all.

[With Alex]

Alex was still at that same night club, and the same man from yesterday showed up. He walked up to Alex and crossed his arms

"What do you want? I've been waiting here for the past hours" Alex scoffed.

"Sorry, something came up. Let's just grab a drink or two."

Alex rolled his eyes, "I thought we were here for soemthing serious, not a drink?!"

The man sighed, "You're always so serious about everything, lighten up a bit. A little drink wouldn't hurt."

Alex hated the smell of alcohol. It was.. disgusting to him. He hated its taste, and he could even get hungover from it. He was one to pass out from three to four drinks. So he never really liked alcohol.

The man ordered two glasses of alcohol at the bar, and the bartender came back shortly with their drinks. He grabbed one and started drinking it. Alex sighed, he gave in and chugged it down in one go. He started coughing after that as he hated the smell and taste of it.

"Did you need me for anything else?" Alex sounded annoyed.

"Yeah actually.."

[With Wilbur]

It was a quarter until 1 am (0:45 or 12:45 am), and Wilbur was still awake. He was so tired that he could barely keep his eyes open. He waited for Alex to come home in the living room, sitting on the couch.

Suddenly when he heard a click on the front door, he rushed over to it. Alex stumbled into the house and groaned. Wilbur hugged him tightly, and Alex was shocked. Why was he still up?

"Wilbur! I told you to go sleep!" Alex scolded.

Wilbur shoved his face into the younger boy's chest and started talking, but all that came out we're muffled sounds. Alex sighed, and pushed him, making him fall onto the couch.

"You idiot, I told you not to wait for me..-" The younger boy sighed.

Wilbur didn't respond, as he already fell asleep right there on the couch. Alex scoffed and laid down next to him, putting a blanket over the both of them.


Now before you leave, say you're here so I can take attendance of who stayed till the end for extra credits.

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