Chapter 6

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TW: Idk ig if any of you has handcuff or choking kinks I suggest you stay. No, I will not be writing full-on smut. Just like a lil make out scene kinda🚶‍♀️


Alex was in bed with Wilbur laying his head down on his lap. The younger boy rubbed his head gently.

Wilbur sat up and sighed, "I'm gonna go grab something, I'll be right back."

The older boy walked out of the room, leaving Alex there confused. He sighed it off and pulled out his phone. Then Wilbur came back with a plastic bag. He threw it on the floor.

"Hm? What's that?" Alex asked.

Wilbur got on the bed, "Nothing you need to worry about."

Alex got off the bed, "I have to use the restroom, I'll be quick." He walked off.

Wilbur found this as a perfect opportunity and went to grab something from the bag. Once Alex came out, he walked over to the taller boy.

"What's that your holding?" Alex couldn't see what it was in his hands.

"You'll see." Wilbur replied.

"Okay..-" Alex turned around, and was about to get on the bed when Wilbur quickly pushed him onto the wall and put his hands above his head. He quickly slapped something on Alex's hands that he didn't know.

Alex looked up and saw.. handcuffs..?! The younger boy definitely blushed at them and tried to remove them, but failed.

"What are you doing..?!-" Alex yelled, flustered.

The older man placed a finger on his bottom lip, keeping him quiet, "Don't ask questions."

The younger boy blushed even more at this and tried moving around with his hand. Nothing. "Wilbur Soot!- I swear if you don't let me go, I'm gonna-"

The boy was cut off by Wilbur pulling his collar and pushed his lips against the other boy's. Alex was shocked by the sudden movement.

The older boy slowly pulled away and plastered a small smirk on his face. Then he laughed at the younger boy's reaction. "Look at you, you're all red!"

Alex blushed even more at him and attempted to push him, but he realized his hands were kinda still.. cuffed to the wall. He looked down at the floor in embarrassment. "You're- You're an idiot-"

"Don't pretend like you don't like it." Wilbur laughed and grabbed the other man's waist carefully.

Alex bit his bottom lip gently. He had to admit, he had a weak spot for Wilbur. I mean, how can you not love Wilbur? He had been.. well, murdering people, but with Wilbur he just turns weak.

The older boy lifted up his chin with his finger, and smiled at him. Alex tried to avoid eye contact, but Wilbur was preventing him from doing it. Then the man pulled him closer until there was no space between them. The older boy started rubbing his thighs gently. Alex squinted his eyes. He used his other hand to grab hold of his neck, making the younger boy gasp. He found this as a perfect opportunity to slide his tongue in.

After a few moments later, Wilbur pulled away from him and scoffed. The older boy rested his face on the other boy's shoulder. Alex felt his face heating up even more. Suddenly Wilbur started kissing his neck and leaving a few marks. He pulled away sooner or later and uncuffed the boy.

Alex quickly pushed Wilbur away from him, "What was all that for..?!-"

"I don't know, felt the need to do it." Wilbur replied, laughing.

Alex rolled his eyes and went to sit on the bed. "You're so stupid."

Wilbur laughed and went to sit on the bed next to him. "Don't pretend like you didn't like it."

The younger boy went under the sheets and laid down, facing the opposite side if the older boy. Wilbur crawled up to the boy and hugged him, "Aw come on-"

"Get off asshole-!" The younger boy blushed at him, trying to get him off.

"Whatever, whatever. I'm gonna go sleep." Wilbur got off of him and went to sleep.


The next day, Wilbur woke up to see Alex there, still awake. "Hey Alex."

The younger boy turned around to look at him. His face was so pale and he looked so tired. "Hey..-"

"You look- tired- Did you get any sleep last night?"

Alex shook his head, "No, not really.. I couldn't-.. fall asleep."

Wilbur sighed and went to open the curtains. Then he came back to Alex. "Maybe you're hungry? Try eating something."

"No, it's not that.." Alex shut his eyes, "It was- what you did last night."

The older boy moved backwards to the bedframe, "Sorry-"

The younger boy tried going back to sleep. Wilbur laid down and pulled him closer. The younger boy blushed at the sudden pull, but didn't move. He gave in at this point. As much as he hated to admit it, he was a bottom after all.


That was short but like ok. Didn't make sense did it but doesn't matter. I'm getting unmotivated now I don't have ideas

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