Chapter 5

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I'm running out of ideas again and you guys better have ideas for me before I lose motivation and discontinue this.


The taller man sat in his room with his phone in his hand. Alex was in the kitchen, looking for something to eat. He grabbed a bag of chips, and walked back to the room. The boy knocked on the door, and got a response.

"Come in, the door's unlocked."

Alex opened the door and walked in. He threw the bag of chips to the taller boy. Wilbur caught it and started munching on it.

The younger boy crawled onto the bed and sat next to him. "You know, you should start eating more."

"Yeah, but I'm just not hungry."

"Whatever-" Alex grabbed his phone, "Sorry, but I really gotta go- I have to go do some work stuff."

Wilbur stared at him and frowned, "But I don't want you to go."

The younger boy sighed, "I'll come back by 7 pm tonight, I promise."

The taller boy set the bag of chips down, "Fine. You better though."

Alex nodded and walked out of the room. The taller boy sighed and laid down. Oh god, he's starting to feel it again. Why is it that everytime Alex isn't there, he's always feeling dead and empty? Has he really caught feelings for him? Can't be. He's never been attracted to a man before. It'd be too weird.

He walked out to the balcony and sit down on the chair. The man admired the beauty of the nature. If only it was this nice to him. Wilbur grabbed his phone and checked the time. It was only 12 pm. He sighed and threw his head back. He couldn't even wait any longer for Alex to come back. What was so important anyways?

[With Alex]

Alex walked down the streets with his hands in his pockets when a man came up to him. They talked for a few minutes and Alex followed him to an alleyway.

The young man pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. The man crossed his arm and leaned on the wall, "Anyways, why haven't you been here for the past 3 days? Where have you been?"

Alex scoffed, "I was just- at my brother's house..-"

"Hm, okay I guess" The man shrugged.

[With Wilbur]

Wilbur rolled around in his bed on which seems like forever. He checked his clock every few minutes. It was only 3 pm? It's felt so long. He got up and went the the kitchen. The man opened the cupboard and looked for something to eat. Wilbur grabbed some sweets and went to sit on the couch

Wilbur started eating his snacks, waiting for Alex to come back. He was impatient and wanted to go out to find him, but he was too scared to. Why was he so scared of going out? Strange, but he doesn't know as well.

As time passed by, he'd been watching TV and some Netflix as he was bored. There was genuinely nothing to do without Alex. He checked his watch again and again, it was 6 pm. Just one more hour to go. It wouldn't be too hard to wait, right?

Wilbur waited and waited. The last hour felt way more. It felt like 6 hours and it had only been 45 minutes. He sighed and checked his phone

[With Alex]

Alex brushed himself off. He wiped blood out of his hands and shook them. "I think I'd better get going now."

The other man nodded, "I'll take care of this.. body-" Then he dragged it into a plastic bag.

The young boy grabbed his phone and went to Discord. Just as he was about to text Wilbur, he ran out of data. Fuck, this was an amazing time.

Alex walked out to the street, trying to find a taxi to get back.

Once he saw one, he quickly sat on the passenger seat and told the driver where to go. The driver looked at Alex suspiciously, and he started feeling uncomfortable. They were driving for around 10 minutes until the driver started running his hand up his lap. Alex gently removed his hand, uncomfortable. They continued driving, and the driver kept touching him until he lost his temper.

"Look, if you're not gonna stop, I'm gonna have to call the police on you for sexual harass-"

The driver didn't let him finish and completely shut his mouth, "You know you liked it."

Alex tried removing his hand but he was way too strong. He quickly unlocked the taxi door and got out.

The boy ran as far away as he could from there, not even knowing where he was going. Once he thought it was far enough, he started panting and checked his watch, "18:52?!" If he were to walk home, it would take around 20 minutes from where he was. Fuck it, it was the only way. Alex started walking back home, picking up the pace.

[With Wilbur]

Now Wilbur got really concerned. It was already 7:14 pm. He knew he was overreacting, but he was genuinely worried. What were the things that could be happening to him right now?

Wilbur kept having thoughts. What if he got kidnapped? What if he was getting punched right now? His thoughts got interrupted by Alex opening the door, panting.

The taller man quickly ran up to him and hugged him. "Are you okay?!"

Alex jumped at the sudden hug, and then smiled a bit at his worry. "Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about it. Just some things kinda happened."

The both of them went to sit on the couch. Wilbur cuddled onto him, worried. "What happened?"

"I was gonna take the taxi home, but some things happened kind of..-"

"Like what things?" Wilbur looked up at him.

Alex sighed, "The driver kind of um- started touching me..-"

Wilbur widened his eyes, "He did WHAT?-"

Alex laughed, "Don't worry- It's fine..- Now come on, let's go back to the bedroom."

Wilbur sighed, and they both got up, walking to his bedroom. They sat down on the bed and went under the sheets.

The taller man turned to him and started cuddling onto him. Alex laughed a bit at the man, "You know, you're such a baby-"

"Shut up, don't act like you don't like it." Wilbur scoffed.

"Okay, fair enough-" Alex giggled.


I have a presentation I'm scared please un-scare me. I'm doing this alone, and everyone else has partners and teammates. Help.

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