7| A New Enemy

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Mine: "Ah

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Mine: "Ah."

Akame: "Mine."

Mine: "I can feed myself. Don't bother me."

Akame: "It's getting cold."

Currently, in Night Raid's base, the atmosphere was different. It felt cold, literally and figuratively. Ever since the death of Sheele, everyone was affected in their own ways. Everyone was also dealing it in their own way.

At the moment, Mine was trying to eat her food, but due to her broken arm, it made hard to do it. She had tried to pick it up with her spoon, but it ended up falling into her bowl, Akame having to pick it up and holding it in front of her. Mine sighed and begrudgingly agreed.

Tatsumi was in the kitchen, currently peeling an apple. He turned his head over to her slight, seeing Akame having a straight face.

Tatsumi: (thoughts) 'Even though Sheele was killed... Akame's just as cool and collected as ever.'

He then turns his gaze to Akira, who was sitting in a chair in a corner, his wolf curled up into a ball next to him. His gaze was set on his lap, his eyes dull as kept staring at something.

Sheele's glasses. 

That was the only thing that Akira had retrieved from her body before they buried her corpse next to Tatsumi's friends. Fenrir could hear it's master sniffling a bit, quietly so only Fenrir could hear him. The wolf whimpered, sitting up as it nudges it's master's leg. Akira notices the action and he simply pats the wolf's head. When Akira went out on missions and didn't take Fenrir with him, Sheele would be the one to look after him. It was something he never got to thank her for.

Seeing this side of Akira was a bit surprising. The sides of emotion he's really seen was mostly his emotionless one, but also something dark. Like the one he saw on that night, when he fought Zanku. Tatsumi could feel the bloodlust radiating off him when he saw that crazed smile.

Tatsumi then looked down, clenching his fists.

Tatsumi: (thoughts) 'But I can't believe the one who killed her...was that girl. Now I truly understand... How demanding this line of work is.'

Later On...

Najenda: "Our latest assassination isn't a civilian commission. It is an order from the Revolutionary Army. Your targets are the Kobore brothers, a couple of civil servants. They are villains who enjoy the riches overflowing from the Minister. However... They are very capable at their job. So our success here will help to undermine the Empire's power. Get rid of them."

For this mission, Najenda had sent Tatsumi and Akira to finish the job. The previous job, which was to eliminate the drug trafficking business, went well. Akira had only sustained minor injuries when he fought against Seryu's Teigu, Hekatonkheires... The animal-like creature and Seryu Ubiquitous being the ones responsible for Sheele's death. 

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