37| Unfortunate Circumstance

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Deep in the forest near Night Raid's base, two girls could be seen. Having a bit of a spar. The pink-haired girl's screeches as she thrusts punches and kicks towards the ravenette were evident, Mine training up on her hand-to-hand combat skills.

The red-eyed girl raised an arm up as she blocked a sweeping kick from Mine, whom had leaped into the air. Enduring the force of the kick, Akame was surprised at how strong she was, the girl's feet skidding along the dirt before she came to a stop. Akame then brandished a fighting stance, as did Mine.

 Akame then brandished a fighting stance, as did Mine

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Akame: (grin) "You're on fire today. Mine."

Mine: "(grins back) "The woman trying to steal my man is the strongest in the Empire. So I have to be!"

Akame simply grinned again as she rushed forward, the two continuing to spar. Likewise, two other assassins in the forest were also training. The auburn-haired girl let out a battle cry as she rushed the icy blue-eyed teen with a training sword. Akira held a training sword of his own, training Chelsea as to what she requested.

He could've started off with something simple, maybe go to hand-to-hand first, Akira thought it would be best to train her with a weapon of sorts. Then train her in the art of hand-to-hand once her weapon was disarmed.

As Chelsea rushed at him, Akira simply did a side step as he easily dodges a swipe from her practice sword. He then raised his own, hitting her arm as Chelsea hissed in slight pain, dropping the practice blade onto the ground. The wood sword made a clattering noise as it struck the dirt, it soon following a loud thud by the auburn-haired girl as Akira had swept her legs with his own foot. She gritted her teeth as she felt pain course throughout her body, attempting to get up but was met with the blunt tip of the wooden sword against her neck.

She glared up at him, Akira only sending his own glare back down at her.

Akira: "You're movements are getting slower. That, and you're leaving a lot more openings. While that can be useful for a feint, only do it when you're confident." (sigh) "Take a break. Training's done for the day."

Chelsea: "No! I can still go! One more round!"

Akira: (flicks Chelsea's forehead) "Don't overexert yourself, idiot. Keep training recklessly and you'll only strain yourself and damage your muscles. Plus, you'll just keep getting tired. I won't be able to train you once you're riddled with bruises and become reduced to a dead body."

Chelsea: "...Fine."

Akira: "It's not easy getting the hang of this, you know. Training with weapons takes time and effort in order to get better with them. It's not the type of thing to rush through and master."

Chelsea: "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

Akira: "Well, if you understand, that's fine. Take it easy on yourself. You've been pretty much resting for the past couple of months, and you'll need to readjust yourself for this kind of training."

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