Chapter 14

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        Later that night, they had all planned to leave Winterfell. But before they all did, Mare had something she needed to do. She ran to the horse stables and came to Arion's stall. She reached up on her tiptoes and unhooked the latch.

        "It's just me, boy. I need you to run," she said, holding out a sugar cube for him to eat. He whinnied softly.

        "Well, go on!" Mare said, tears in her eyes as she slapped the behind of the horse. He stamped his foot, looked at Mare one last time, and galloped out of the horse barn into the forest. If there was one thing Mare didn't want, it was for her horse to be used by Theon to go into war. She'd rather see him run free.

        And she did.

        She ran back to Rickon, Hodor, and Bran, who were all ready to go. Summer and Shaggydog were also ready and whining anxiously.

        She was dressed in trousers, a cloak, a wolfskin, and her leather boots. She had refused to wear any type of dress because it would be hard running around the woods in a dress, or at least she thought. She had also brought her bow and arrows, because that was the last thing she had to Jon Snow, whom she was so close to.

        When they all heard the signal from Osha, they all came quietly and snuck out of Winterfell. It was quite easy; very little guards were patrolling, and if they were, they were drunk or picking their teeth.

        They walked in silence until morning, with exploring up ahead and Summer staying relatively close to Mare. She appreciated the company, because she thought Bran might have fallen asleep a few times. She had even given Rickon a piggyback ride during some parts.

        By morning, they had reached a small river, and the direwolves had ran ahead to drink from it. 

        "We should have gotten more food," Osha stated grimly.

        "We couldn't have risked it," Bran said back.

        "Well what we have isn't going to be enough."

        "This is the farm we sent the two Winterfell orphans to, Bran," Mare said. "Jack and Billy Gage."

        "Maybe they can give us some food?" Rickon asked, turning to Mare.

        "No, if Theon finds out we were here, he'd torture and kill them," Bran said. "We mine as well hunt, if and when we can."

        "Maybe we should go back, maybe hide in the Crypts...? Theon would never go down there, not in his lifetime," Mare suggested, and everyone fell silent.

        "You're a genius," Bran said to her, sounding almost relieved. "You are the smartest person I've ever met." She felt a strange feeling flutter around in her stomach, and heat made its way to her face. She felt embarrassed and happy. Why am I doing this?! she yelled at herself. She had been beginning to feel like that when Bran would touch her in any way, like he did when he kissed her wrist yesterday. She would feel embarrassed and happy, almost like she was floating on clouds. But she dismissed that train of thought before it could get too out of hand.

        And they started off back home.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        Osha had snuck to the kitchen and gotten them bread to eat. Mare took a piece gratefully, eating a little at a time, so she wouldn't get sick. Bran was leaned against a wall with Mare next to him, offering him pieces of bread that he would refuse. Rickon and Hodor were sleeping, leaned against each other.

        "Bran, please eat something," Mare begged. Everyone had tried to get him to eat, but he had just refused with just a shake of his head. But when it came to Mare, he couldn't refuse her; her amber eyes held too much sadness and care that made him feel sorry he ever hurt her.

        He took a small piece of bread from her hands and took small bites, and Mare sighed and leaned against him. She couldn't find any words to say to him; none at all. She wanted so badly to comfort him, but she was running out of words to say that would make him feel at ease.

        Osha lit a candle and they both heard Maester Luwin's voice; Mare was glad it wasn't anyone else. She heard them talking but their voices were muffled, so she could make out anything. She looked up Bran, who was staring at the candle in the corner of their little room they hid in.

        "You should get some rest," Mare said gently, nuzzling closer to his side.

        "I know," he said softly, wrapping his arm around her. "I know. I just need time to think."

        "Alright, but promise me you'll get some sleep?"

        "I promise."

        She put her head back down and brought her legs up to her chest, curling up next to Bran and shutting her eyes. He started to feel nervous; his heart rate sped up and a blush tinted his cheeks. He was glad she wouldn't see it, she was probably already asleep.

        He had started feeling nervous around Mare; at the same time, he felt the happiest around her. Everything about her made him happy: the way she would talk to him, her warm amber eyes that would shine just for him, the freckles splattered along the bridge of her nose, the way she would cuddle into him when she was tired or scared, how her hands would hold his face when he cried. He would also find himself thinking of the betrothal often; he had even dreamt about it. Even the three-eyed raven was in it, which meant that it would come true, without a doubt. He didn't feel like he had to marry her, but by now he wanted to. It didn't feel like an arranged marriage, it felt like something he wanted for himself, and for her.

        He adored her.

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