Chapter 22

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        Mare woke up early before anyone else, and knew that Osha and Rickon would be leaving very soon. She looked to everyone, slumped up against each other, but not exactly looking comfortable. She knew that she would have to have patience with everyone else, because they would all be at their wit's end, including herself.

        She looked to Bran and she swore he was one of the most beautiful things that she had ever seen. He looked so young and peaceful while he slept, his chest rising and falling with each breath he took. She realized that he really was beautiful; she felt at home whenever he was with her.

        "You're going to have to be careful, little Lady," Osha said, and Mare jumped from unexpectedness. "Take care of him for me."

        "I don't plan on letting him do anything reckless," Mare said, reaching to run her hand over his face. He caught her wrist and pressed a kiss to the palm of her hand.

        "Marry me. Right here, right now," Bran said, still not opening his eyes. Mare felt as if her heart had flown up to her throat.

        "But there's no Maester-"

        "Jojen can do it, he knows what he's doing," Bran said, opening his brown eyes. "Besides, it would be safer. If something happens and we get split up, you can't be married off because you'd already be mine."

        Mare took a deep breath, and Osha stared at them, almost in disbelief.

        Mare looked to Jojen, who had just woken up. "Jojen, we need you to marry us."

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        "Alright, you both know the words, yes?" Jojen asked them, tearing a piece of white cloth from one of the extra pieces of clothing that was brought along. Bran put his hand out, and Mare gingerly put hers on his, feeling his warmth radiate to her skin.

        "In the Sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words," Jojen said, wrapping the piece of white cloth around their hands. They turned to each other, and were both smiling.

        "Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger. I am his/hers, and s/he is mine, from this day, until the end of my days," they said in unison, Mare's heart threatening to fail from joy and excitement at any moment.

        After a few moments of staring at each other, almost caught in a trance, Jojen said, "You can kiss her, you know."

        Before Mare really realized what she was doing, she leaned forward and kissed Bran. It was a strange thing; she had never kissed anyone before, except for those times when she would kiss Bran on the cheek. Lips, and the mouth in general, were different. She had enjoyed being physically close to him and holding his hand, little stuff like that. But when it came to kissing him and having his hands start to roam around, their relationship was brought to a whole other level.

        Her heart slammed against her chest when he kissed back, but he pulled away too soon for her liking. "I've waited forever to tell you that I love you."

        "I've contemplated telling you every day," she said back breathlessly, kissing him again.

        Osha coughed loudly. "You both are too young to have children, and what you're doing is going to lead to it. Both of you, make sure they don't do anything."

        "So, now you're Lady Mare Stark?" Bran murmured to her, sounding a little out of breath. "I like the sound of that."

        "You couldn't be more right," she said, kissing his lips sweetly before pulling away and getting up from her spot on his lap. She was married. To Bran Stark. It was almost like everything had worked out for her, even if it was bad in the beginning. She felt so lucky when she caught her husband staring at her like she was the most beautiful and precious thing in the world.

        Mare's smile faded when she realized Bran's face had gone solemn and grim. "Osha, you need to take Rickon and Shaggydog and go."

        Rickon rushed to Mare, hugging her tightly, and she hugged back and kissed his forehead. "We'll see each other soon, little Wolf Prince."

        Rickon nodded and Osha turned to the Reed siblings. "Please, keep them safe," she said, looking at Mare and Bran. "They mean the world to me."

        Soon they were gone, and it was so fast that Mare didn't even think it happened.

        "You both should get back to sleep, we have a long way to go tomorrow," Meera said, blowing out the candle and laying back down in her borrowed wolfskin blankets. Mare waited a few minutes until she was almost sure they were asleep, and leaned up to kiss Bran. He happily returned it, pulling her into his lap and running his fingers gently up and down her back.

        "You both need to relax with touching each other," she heard Meera grumble, and it scared her because she wasn't at all expecting it. With an annoyed-sounding sigh, she crawled off Bran and back to her sleeping position with him behind her and his arm draped around her waist.

        "Goodnight, Lord Bran Stark," Mare said gently, her eyes already starting to feel heavy.

        "Sweetest dreams, Lady Mare Stark. I love you."


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