Chapter 20

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        For the rest of the night, Mare was up either shivering from a coldness that wasn't there, or throwing up. The night seemed to drag on for too long; the stars seemed to mock her as they twinkled happily in the sky.

        Of course, when she could fall asleep, she saw terrible battles and men getting killed, she even saw Luna, Robb, and Catelyn all getting hurt in a place she didn't know. She really hoped that one was just a nightmare.

        After her third time puking that night, Bran turned over to face her, and her small body trembled with shivers she couldn't control. He was worried about her; this had never happened to her before, and he really hoped something terrible wasn't going to happen to her. He wanted so badly to stroke her back and tell her that everything was okay, but he knew she would find no comfort in that.

        "Mare," he said to her softly, and she turned to face him as well. "This will get better. We're all affected differently by the visions."

        "I can't get warm," she chattered out miserably, trying to rub her arms to get warm. Bran hated seeing her this way. She looked fragile and helpless, and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.

        He brought the wolfskin blankets up further so it covered all of her body up to her chin, and pulled her in closer to him, and she let herself be taken care of. Secretly, she enjoyed how close she was to him, and how warm he felt. She started regaining warmth in her hands and feet, and she curled in closer to Bran.

        "Are you feeling warmer, milady?" he murmured to her, rubbing small circles in her back.

        "Mhhm," she hummed happily, finally seeming to warm up. Her body relaxed completely, going slack against his and loosing all tensness. She felt as if nothing could hurt her now, like Bran was a wall of light and good protecting her from everything dark and evil. She felt safe and at peace with everything and everyone around her.

        Bran watched as her eyes fluttered shut sleepily, a small smile playing on her lips that Bran thought she wasn't aware of. He smiled as he continued to rub her back; if this is what being her husband was, then he would gladly take it. He loved seeing her peaceful and at ease like this. It made him truly happy to even know her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        "Where are we?" Rickon asked as they approached a giant windmill.

        "I don't even have a single clue," Mare said, kicking the dirt lazily as she walked.

        "Brandon the Builder gave all this land south of The Wall to the Night's Watch for their sustenance and support," Bran said, a smirk on his face. Then the smile faded. "Maester Luwin taught me that."

        "It's good land, yet it's abandoned. Why did they leave?" Meera asked, and Mare turned to her.

        "Wildlings," Mare and Bran said in unison, and then they both turned to Osha and said, "Sorry."

        "But they come over the Wall and steal, kill, and and carry off women," Bran said, looking somewhat apologetic towards Osha.

        "Brandon, you don't say that out loud," Mare murmured, grabbing his hand and squeezing it softly. He looked up at her and kissed her hand, and she caught Jojen looking at them with a slight smirk on his face.

        "There's a storm coming," Jojen said, looking up at the sky.

        "I don't see anything," Mare said, and as if on cue, thunder rumbled overhead and the sky darkened with black storm clouds.

        "We'll just take shelter in the mill," Meera said, turning around and starting towards the mill.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        "So Meera, are you betrothed to any lord yet?" Mare asked, turning the logs in the fire they made with a stick. Meera and Jojen looked at each other, and they both burst out laughing. Or, at least, Meera did. Jojen just snickered.

        "No, I'm not marrying for as long as I can help it," Meera scoffed, and Mare set her stick down.

        "I don't blame you," Mare sighed, "if I had never know Bran, I wouldn't ever marry either. There aren't any decent men out there anymore. They're all shits, if I may say."

        Bran looked at her and smiled, "But you're glad you've met me."

        "Well of course I'm glad I met you," Mare laughed, "I wouldn't have adventure in my life if I hadn't."

        "You two are so lovey-dovey," Osha muttered, "it scares me."

        They sat in silence, eating food they had stored. Before long, everyone had gotten so bored, so they all decided to sleep.

        Mare saw the three-eyed raven again in her dreams. She also saw Luna and Robb, getting married. She heard them say the words, and saw them kiss, and then wander back to their tent. The scene changed to Walder Frey and what must have been his daughters, and everything was tinted red.

        She awoke, gasping for breath. Bran had been woken up by her breathing and turned to make sure she was okay, and saw her jolt awake. She was sweating and looked miserable, but wasn't throwing up. He decided that he was completely relieved. 

        "What did you see?" he asked her, and she took off one of her wolfskins.

        "Robb and Luna, they got married," she said quietly, "even though Robb was promised to another."

        "Who was he promised to?" Bran asked her.

        "One of the Frey girls, to bridge the houses so Robb could get a bigger army." Her face looked grim in the fire light. "Now, there is no bridge. We're going to lose the war."


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