Chapter 16

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        It had been a few months of living out in the woods, and Mare was enjoying every second of it. Her and Bran were going through many changes; his voice was deeper and her curves were defining themselves, and they were both now the measley age of thirteen. All in all, it hadn't been very difficult.

        Mare awoke to Bran bolting up next to her, gasping for air.

        "What's wrong?" she asked, Summer trotting over and nudging him with his nose.

        "Just a dream," Bran murmured, turning to her. "I'm sorry that I've worried you."

        "Mare, I had a strange dream," Rickon said, walking to them. Mare was still groggy with sleep and was pressed up against Bran's side.

        "I bet nothing was more strange than mine," Mare laughed, ushering Rickon to talk.

        "You and Bran were getting married, but it wasn't an ordinary wedding. We were in King's Landing, and afterwards, Bran sat on the Iron Throne! And then the scene changed. There were children, four of them, and only one girl. And I was there too, but I was older and running with them, and they each had little direwolf pups. And Osha was there, and Hodor, and Bran and you were obviously there too," he said quickly, and then added, "and there were dragons."

        Mare and Bran looked at each other. "That sounds... interesting, Rickon. Dragons? I bet that was a sight," Mare said, getting up from the wagon both her and Bran slept in.

        "Are you all right, little Lord?" Osha asked from the fire they had made.

        "Yes, just the three-eyed raven again," he said solemnly, "I tried to kill it, but I just couldn't."

        Osha just looked at him nervously and looked down at the spear she was sharpening.

        "Good morning, little Lady," Osha said pleasantly to Mare. Mare smiled and sat down next to her;

        "Osha, I have a question," she said, toying with her pants fabric nervously.


        "Okay, when does a girl start bleeding?" she asked in a low voice, not wanting anyone to hear her. "Lady Catelyn never really explained, I was in the woods with Arya too much."

        "Well, since you're thirteen now, you'll be startin' sometime fairly quickly," Osha said, looking at her, then smirking. "Why? Do you want to bear Bran's children this quickly?"

        Mare blushed and opened her mouth, but no words came. "No, I was just wondering. I've heard it's awful," she muttered eventually.

        "It's messy the first time because you're not expecting it, but it's not that much of a problem later," Osha said, setting down her spear.

        "What's not a problem?" Rickon asked, sitting next to Osha.

        "Nothing," Mare rushed out quickly. "Nothing, it doesn't concern you, little one. It's alright."

        Osha glanced around nervously, and then jumped up. "We better start moving."

        "But Osha, Bran just woke up," Mare tried, glancing at him.

        "The Wall is a long ways off," she said, a warning look in her eyes. Mare sighed and made her way to Bran, who watched her every move.

        "She's nervous again," Bran sighed.

        "Aye," Mare said, rolling up blankets and packing away food.

        "Mare," Bran said, catching her wrist as she went to straighten out his shirt.

        "Yes, Bran?"

        "We should have gotten married back in Winterfell."

        Mare's breath caught in her throat. She couldn't belive he said that! She wasn't expecting him to say anything about their betrothal, now that they were heading to The Wall. A blush crept to her cheeks and her stomach did flip-flops.

        "Why do you say that?" she asked, pulling her hand away gently and fixing his shirt.

        "Because it would have been easier," he said after a moment's hesitation. She could tell that wasn't all he was going to say; his eyes held the truth. Unfortunately, she couldn't read his eyes quite yet.

        And then they were walking again. Mare shot an arrow at a random target every once in a while, and either Summer or Shaggydog would fetch it and bring it back to her. Rickon had run ahead to play with Shaggydog, and then he would run back to Mare and hold her hand for a bit, and when he got bored he would run ahead again.

        After hours of walking, they had made it to the woods and set up camp. Bran was sleeping on a pile of wolfskins, and Mare was next to him, unable to sleep but just enjoying his company. She kept her eyes closed and listened to his breathing. It relaxed her quite a lot.

        Bran woke up and looked down at her, and she smiled. "So, you're finally awake?"

        "I think I am," he smiled, leaning in a tiny bit, until something caught his eye. Summer was growling deeply and stood in front of them, and Bran looked around the woods nervously. A figure made its way towards them, and as it got closer, Mare realized it was a boy. He looked about sixteen, weraing a green cloak and carrying no weapons. Mare went to get up to find her bow, but Bran stopped her.

        "He's the boy I saw in my dreams," Bran whispered to her in awe.

        "Bran, what if he's trying to kill us?" Mare said back.

        "Don't you think he wouldn't have made himself that well-known to us?"

        Mare huffed and got up anyway, shaking off Bran's hand and standing besides Summer.

        "Take another step and you drown in your own blood," Osha said, pressing her spear against the back of his neck.

        "I'm unarmed. My sister carries the weapons," the boy said, and another girl put a knife to Osha's neck. Mare probably mirrored the look of protection in Summer's eyes.

        "You must be Summer," the boy said, putting his hand out. Summer, after a moment, stopped growling, sniffed his hand, and trotted back to Osha, staying at her side. 

        "And you must be Mare Dalyngridge," the boy said to her. "I've seen you before. You're always with Brandon. You must be his wife, I suppose?"

        "No, I'm not," Mare said, at the same time Bran  said, "No, she isn't yet."

        The boy smiled. "I'm Jojen Reed, and this is my sister, Meera Reed. We've come far to see to you, Brandon, and there is still much we may go through together."

        "But we just met you!" Mare cried, squinting a little. "Why would we go anywhere with you?"

        "Mare, it's alright," Bran said, and Mare slumped a little.

        "He's the only one you listen to?" Jojen asked her. "Is it because you two are betrothed?"

        "No," Mare muttered, "it's because I don't trust you yet."


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