Chapter 12: The Annihilation Of Wild Hunt

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[Author's POV]

Somewhere at the outskirts of the Empire.
Inside a tent is a bed and some other stuff.
On the bed we can see Tatsumi laying down, as Najenda and Y/n with a doctor from the Revolutionary Army is checking Tatsumi's condition.

Doctor: It's as you suspected Prince... Incursio has bonded with this young man and started to fuse with it.

This surprised Najenda and Tatsumi who then got nervous.

Tatsumi: Wh-What do you mean...?

Y/n: He means that you're becoming Incursio's Dragon body...

Najenda: But when Bulat used Incursio for dozens of time how come he didn't fuse with it?

Doctor: I'm guessing is that Tatsumi had more potential than Bulat, that is maybe one of the reasons of Incursio trying to fuse with you... But...

Tatsumi: But what?

Y/n: Good news, inside the GoB I found countless potions and recipes for solving this type of problem.

Y/n then opened the palm of his hand and a Portal of GoB opened above it, as a potion bottle fell on Y/n's hand.

Y/n: This should help you with the fusing. This potion would subdue the fusion permanently.

Doctor: Are you sure it's permanent?

The doctor asked sceptical that the potion would actually work, as Y/n handed the potion to Tatsumi.

Y/n: I'm sure, I read all of the things that had connection to Fusion of Teigu's, this was created by my ancestor King Gilgamesh to help The First Emperor to cure his soldiers who started to fuse with the Teigu. Incursio was one of those Teigu.

Tatsumi: Thanks Y/n.

Tatsumi then took the potion and drank it, after drinking the potion Tatsumi held his head in pain.

Tatsumi: Argh!!!

Najenda: What happened?!

Y/n: Don't worry it's part of the effect. You have to fight it Tatsumi. Fight it so that you can see the end of this Empire. Fight it so that you can finally go home along with Mine!

Y/n encouraged Tatsumi who fought the pain.
After minutes of pain and screaming Tatsumi looked up.

Doctor: Why is the eye of Incursio still manifested?

Y/n: The fusion is stopped but the eye will stay since it'll be a reminder of Incursio, the potion helped you form a soul chain with Incursio, the eye is a sign that you are now Incursio itself, being able to evolve and adapt at a faster rate than before.

Doctor: But you said that it'll stop the fusion.

Y/n: I did say that but it looks like Incursio surrender and then fused it's soul with Tatsumi giving Tatsumi its ability to evolve and adapt to environments. There wouldn't be any problems now, you'll be able to transform more faster by just thinking of it.

Tatsumi: Thanks Y/n, I can't think of a way to be able to repay you...

Y/n: Don't, you're my friend. I don't need any compensation.

Tatsumi: Again thanks.

Y/n: Oh and have this book, it'll help for giving cures for this type of problem. The only problem that I can't find a solution to is... How to cure the curse of Murasame when used it's Trump Card... I need to find a cure for it if Akame plans on using it.

Y/n opened a Portal of GoB and took a book out, Y/n then gave it to the Doctor.

Doctor: Thank you, this'll help alot in research about Teigu's backlash.

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