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Arriving at the empty space, Tsuna gave a smile, "It has been a while, Bermuda-san." He greeted.

"It is, Tsunayoshi." Bermuda replies.

"About Mukuro and his friends'.." Tsuna trails off, "What are the laws did they break?" He asked, as he isn't sure this world's Mukuro is the completely same as the one in his vision or not.

"Rather than they, it's more of only Mukuro Rokudo." Bermuda told, "He was a great help in destroying Estraneo family, however the act of how he does his revenge is not a good way." He briefly explained.

Bermuda then looks at Tsuna, "I'm quite curious as to why you want to save him though, you don't have any bond whatsover."

Tsuna gave a smile, "I haven't made the bond yet." He mutter out. "But well, if I am to be Vongola Decimo, I think he'll do well as my Mist Guardian.. What do you say?"

"An exception just for you, Tsunayoshi." Bermuda told. "With this, I've repaid back alright."

"Thank you."

"Make sure to bind him to you, or the next time you will also become a prisoner." The infant lastly warns.

"See you around, Bermuda-san." Tsuna went back to the teleporter and returns fo Kokuyo.

Looking around the abandoned room, "Well then, shall we return home before school ends?" He walks to where the exit is, ignoring the leaving Vindice.

Mukuro gave a shocked look, "Did you.. really-"

Beaming a smile, Tsuna turns his head to Mukuro, "I told you I will right? I'll be going home now then~" Tsuna lightly waves as Gokudera and Yamamoto quickly also follows after Tsuna. "Oh! Don't forget to get your two underlings stop attacking students! Hibari-san would go mad." Tsuna chimed in lastly, and left the place.

Reborn who's miraculously already on top of Tsuna's head decided to ask, "What did you negotiate with the Vindice?"

Tsuna hums, "It's a secret." He replies.




"The rings are finally on the move.." Kawahira whispers out to particularly no one as he's now in the middle of nothing, a desert.

He then walk straight where the scene changes into a somekind cave.

Walking through the dark cave, he finally stopped when there was a bed infront of him. The bed has a see-through protective cover, either made of plastic or glass, covering the whole bed.

Sleeping there is a woman, dressed in white one-piece with black hair.

"Sei." Kawahira called out, "It's almost time."


Frowning at the postcard Tsuna found at the mailbox, he sighs. 'This means..' He walks back inside the house and is wondering if he should tell Nana about it or no.

"What's wrong?" Reborn, the only other person who's awake at the hour besides himself asked. He's waiting for his espresso to be made.

Tsuna put the postcard to the table, "Iemitsu-" He held himself back, and re-constructed his word, "Father's coming home." He told.

Reborn hums looking at the ridiculous postcard. "Isn't that good?" He shrugs, it wasn't concerning him much anyway.

Tsuna hisses lightly, "After leaving mom for years? He doesn't know how much he hurts mom!" He wanted to bang his hands on the table but refrains as he wouldn't want to wake the others. Inhaling air to calm himself down, he turns around, "I will never forgive him."

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