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"..." Tsuna slowed down a bit when he was nearing his house. He already knew his father is home already, and he really doesn't want to face him.

Basil was sent to a hospital to recover with Dino, Dino already gave the real Vongola rings to Tsuna too. He didn't distribute the rings yet and kept it by his side.

He didn't block Iemitsu's entry since he knew Nana misses him.

Sighing, Tsuna just steeled his feelings and return home. Opening the door, hiding his annoyance, "I'm home."

Glancing at the noise from the kitchen, 'Mom's cooking?' He quickly put his stuff to the side and ran to the dining-kitchen, pausing a bit when he saw his father fast asleep and decided to just ignore him and purposely step on him, he ran to his mother's side. "Mom?"

Ignoring the "Guh-" from the impact him stepping on Iemitsu, he saw his mom.

"Tsu-kun! Welcome home!!" Well at least Nana looks enthusiast.

"I'm home." Tsuna responds back, "But mom, are you okay?" He asks, just in case. "What did you do for the day? You didn't force yourself right? How's your sight? Do you get fatigues?-"

Nana giggles as Tsuna's overprotetiveness shows up, "Calm down, Tsu-kun, I'm okay." She told, stopping her cooking and came to hug Tsuna. "I'm feeling very much energized!" She loudly exclaim with a bright smile.

Tsuna heaved a sigh, noting his hyper intuition says that her mom is really okay and nodded, "Alright, I'm glad then."

Tsuna then looks at the feast Nana was making, "I'll continue the cooking so you take a rest okay mom? I don't want you to overexertate yourself since you also haven't done your daily walk too." Tsuna told, leading his mom to a seat, "or would you rather skip the walk today?"

"Waitwaitwait-" Iemitsu who was listening to the two's talk cutted off, "I thought Nana only got into an accident, why are you overly reacting?"

Tsuna and Nana halted, Tsuna gave a look at Nana whilst Nana gulps lightly. "Mom?"

"I mean, I didn't want to make him worry much!" Nana voiced out, making the two stunned and also called out the others freeloaders in the house. "I know Iemitsu's always doing work for us and he's always busy, so I didn't want to get in his way.."

"But mom! Your illness is a life-long sentence!" Tsuna retorted back, feeling complicated inside. "You're too kind for someone like him." He glares at Iemitsu and received a scolding from Nana.

"I know you don't like your father, but you can't call him like that, Tsuna." Nana told.

"I won't accept him as my father." He spat out, "Although it is also mom's fault to not tell him of your illness, he didn't even come home to visit you, at all. He even kept secret from you," Tsuna bit his lips, "I won't forgive him for exposing you into danger."

"...Tsuna.." Nana held her tears as she looks down.

"Mom, why don't you be selfish for once?" Tsuna gave a glance to his parents, "I'll go cool my head." He lastly told before he went outside, ignoring the eyes of Lambo, Ipin, Fuuta and Reborn who were peeking from the hall.

"Nana.. What are you-" Iemitsu was slapped by Nana, surprising the three children (Reborn smirks).

"Tsu-kun's right. I can be selfish for once." Nana mumble out, letting her tears flow out as he hitted Iemitsu thousands of time while complaining, "Why do you never come home? Don't you know how hard it is to raise Tsu-kun alone?! Don't you know how Tsu-kun suffers from taking care of me alone? He's lonely and that's why he doesn't like you-" She continued to complain whilst crying out.

Fuuta deems the drama isn't something he nor Lambo and Ipin should watch so he drags the two to their room.

Reborn just shrugs, thinking that Iemitsu deserves it. He also notices how Tsuna's also listening from outside the front door and went to his side.

"Was that what you were aiming?" Reborn decided to ask to the brunette.

Tsuna stares at the sky emptily, "Maybe? I'm not sure." He mumbles out softly. "But at least she finally lets it all out and Iemitsu feels guilty."

Reborn gave a small smile as he pats Tsuna's head softly. "Then you've done a good job."

Tsuna looks surprised from the head pat he receives from Reborn, not expecting it. But a smile plastered on his face, feeling oddly warm. "Thank you."




Gazing the ring box, Tsuna didn't know what he should feel. 'So if I get accepted.. I'll bear all three..' He turn his gaze to the sky pacifier and sky mare ring.

"Reborn.." Tsuna called out, earning a hum as an answer, "Has there been someone that bears all three.." He halted, as he then remembers one of his dream. "Wait.. could that be.." He mumble out to himself, earning a look from Reborn.

"Are you hiding something else?"

Tsuna stares at Reborn, "Sky arcobalenos have short span life and.. they can see the future right?" He verifies.


Tsuna thought for a while, "Do you have any idea who Sei is?"

"No." Tsuna went back to thinking. "Is that Sei someone important?"

"I think." The brunette promptly, "Speaking of which, you've already told my friends about the ring conflict right?"

"Iemitsu did."

"Then that means they've started their trainings.." Tsuna stood up and looks at Reborn, "Aren't you gonna see if I can defeat Xanxus?"

'Though I have no intention of fighting him.'

Reborn smirks, "Never thought you'll be the one to invite." He then look at Leon, "Reminds me, Leon had a present for you."

Tsuna gave a smile, looking at the mitten he got from Leon. "Thank you, Leon."


29 October 2021

Wdyt of R27 or do you want it to have no ships? (For sequel maybe

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