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"Are you finally awake, Tsuna?"

His brown eyes glance to the side, where unexpectedly is crowded. "What's wrong..?" Well not so crowded, just Yamamoto, Gokudera, Reborn and Fon.

"It's already noon, stupid." Reborn told.

Tsuna lightly yawns as he sat up, looking at the clock. Indeed it shows as 12PM. "Oh." He winced lightly from a pain that suddenly shot his head.

"Are you sick, Tenth?"

"or did you get another nightmare?"

"No, no. My talk with Kawahira-san and Sei-san took a lot of time than I thought it would." Tsuna replies, easing his worried elements. "Don't worry, I'm very much energetic, since the end is near!"

Yamamoto and Gokudera gave a look to each other in confusion, while Reborn and Fon knew it's about the curse.

"Okay, I'll go get ready now so, can you help me and tell the others the destination?"

Yamamoto then gave a grin, "Oh? Are we gonna hang out somewhere?"

"Yes, we're going to help the Arcobalenos break the curse!" Tsuna replies back, while writing something in a piece of paper, "Here you go, I expect everyone to be there then."

"Of course Tenth! Leave it to me." Gokudera quickly ran off to do as told.

"Woah, wait, Gokudera! Well, I'll see you then!!" Yamamoto follows behind.

Fon smiles at the antics, "They are very energetic."

"It will be good if nothing bad happens." Reborn then commented.

"..." Tsuna's eye twitched as he felt another stinging pain, "I really do hope nothing bad happens.." He whisper out before he starts preparing as he said so.




"Now then, let's go." Tsuna carries Lambo on his hand while on his head is Reborn and Fon is at his shoulder.

"Where are we going, Tsuna-nii?" Lambo asks excitedly.

Tsuna hums as he walks towards the park, "We're going to a mountain."


"Yes, although we'll cheat to get there." Tsuna chuckles lightly as they can't possibly reach the said mountain in just mere hours.

"What are we doing in a mountain?"

Tsuna gave a smile as he arrives at the park with Yamamoto waving at him, Gokudera too, Hibari a bit far from the group, Ryohei punching airs and shouting to Colonello, Mukuro and Chrome on another side of the group, well, they're just doing whatever they are usually doing. "I guess you can say it as witnessing a miracle." He answers to Lambo.

"Now then," Tsuna look at his guardians and distributed their Vongola rings. "Before we go, I need to test you all."

"A test?"

Tsuna nodded, "Yes," Putting Lambo to his other shoulder as he put on his sky Vongola ring on his finger, he closed his eyes. "Your test is to, lit up flames." As he said that, sky flames bursts out from the ring.

"And to do that, think of your resolution as flames." Tsuna shortly explained.

"Kufufu~ What an easy task." Mukuro commented as he did as told.

"Hn." Hibari also shows his rings.

Tsuna nodded at the two, "Alright." He then went to see the others.

Gokudera starts mumbling as he concetrates, while Yamamoto thought for a while. Ryohei is at a lost. Lambo's an exception-

"Ah!" Gokudera voiced out as he managed to do it. "Yes!"

Yamamoto who was watching Gokudera gets the hang of it and also did it. Ryohei gave up on thinking and just did it, and succeeded.

Chrome received the ring from Mukuro and also did it.

"Alright, it's good if you all can do it then." Tsuna told as he turns around as Vindice's warp gate shows up infront of him, "Let's go then."

Walking inside the warp gate, they all soon arrives in the middle of a desert. There was also the rest of the arcobalenos and also Talbot with the machine Tsuna asked him to create before.

He quickly went to Talbot's side, "Thank you for creating it, grandfather Talbot. I'm sorry to have you bring it until here, it must've been exhausting."

Talbot chuckles, "No, it was fun to create things, young Decimo. And I believe coming far to here will be worth it to witness it." He replies.

"I guess so." Tsuna replies with a chuckle too. He then gaze at the bright sky, remembering the premonition dream he had. 'It's time.'

Kawahira and Sei walks out from inside the hidden cave, giving a nod to Tsuna. Tsuna returns the nod.

Instructing everyone to form a circle around the device Talbot created, "For it to succeed, it will need a very huge initial spark of flames."

With the item Talbot created, the current Arcobaleno's curse will be broken. In doing so, the current pacifier will have no link whatsover with the Arcobalenos. This is to ensure the rest of the elements to not choose another bearer when Sei becomes the Sky Arcobaleno, since she can't bear all of the pacifiers at one time.

The most important is the Sky elements after all.

"Don't hessitate and light up your resolution."

"If this works, our curse will really be released right?"

Kawahira gave a nod, "I guarantee it."


Tsuna looks around, "Ready?"

Everyone nods, "Alright, let's do it."

With that everyone starts to light their flames, inserting it to the device Talbot created.

As it shone brightly, the pacifiers from the arcobaleno broke off from their chests, and it all fell down to the ground before going inside the device, with an exception of Tsuna's pacifier, which fell down to the ground and then went to Sei's side.

'...that's one.' Tsuna silently thought before his head shot out pain.

As the light dies down, they can see only Lal's body became one of an adult, "What!? I thought we would return to our body back!!" Skull was the first one to complain.

"Since Lal Mirch's curse weren't complete unlike you all, and so her body returns normal. Your bodies will also grow, like usual infants." Kawahira shortly explained. "It might not take normal time for your body to grow, so don't worry."

"I see."

"Well now, none of you are bound with the curse anymore. You are free." Tsuna clasped his hands with a bright smile.


31 October 2021

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