Chapter VIII: Ashley asks Harry out/Tom faces his fears

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Location: Chemistry Lab

(Emily and Harry are sat next to eachother in chemistry class and Ashley Roberts is sat across from them)

Harry: Any chance shes's in line for a throne? Anywhere in line?

Emily: Ashley. Prince Charming and Cinderella's daughter. Ashley inherited the beauty, but not a lot of there there, know what I mean?

Harry: Looks like there-there to me.

(Harry gets interrupted when the teacher (Mr. Deley) calls his name)

Mr. Deley: Harry. Perhaps this is just review for you. So tell me, what is the average atomic weight of silver?

Harry: Atomic weight? Uh, well, not very much. I mean, It's an atom, right?

(The teacher signals for him to come to the from of the class and he does, taking the magic mirror out of his pocket and hiding it)

Harry: Let's see. How do I find the average atomic weight of silver?

(Harry secretly asks the mirror and the answer comes up on the glass frame, he manages to copy it all out correctly)

Harry: That would be 106.905 times 5200 plus 108.905 times 4800, which, Mr. Deley, would give us 107.9 amu

Emily: "Amu"?

Mr. Deley: I forget. Always a mistake to underestimate...

Harry: A villain? Don't make it again.

(Harry walks back to his seat and Ashley gives him a piece of paper from under the table saying 'Meet me under the bleachers at 3')

Location: Tourney field

(Tom and Pixie are on the Tourney field)

Pixie: Okay. Tom, we're gonna do some sprints. You ready?

Tom: Oh! Ah! No, wait!

Pixie: Sweet!

(Pixie starts the timer and Tom starts running, a dog starts chasing after him)

Tom: No! Ah!

Pixie: Tom? Tom!

(Pixie starts to run after Tom)

Tom: No, stop!

Pixie: Tom!

Tom: Pixie? Pixie?

Pixie: Whoa-Whoa-Whoa!

(Tom Climbs up the nearest tree and Pixie manages to catch the dog, she holds it in her arms)

Tom: Pixie, help me! This thing is a killer! He's gonna chase me down and rip out my throat. This is a vicious, rabid pack animal!

(Pixie looks at Tom, stunned)

Pixie: Hey, who told you that?

Tom: My mother.

Pixie: Emma?

Tom: She's a dog expert. A dog yellerer. Why are you holding him? He's gonna attack you!

Pixie: Tom, you've never actually met a dog, have you?

Tom: Of course not.

Pixie: Dude, meet Tom. Tom, this is dude. He's the campus mutt.

(Pixie brings the dog towards Tom so he can stroke it, he does)

Tom: He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid pack animal. Jeez. You're a good boy, aren't you? You're a good boy.

(Pixie hands the dog over to Tom so he is now holding it)

Pixie: I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the island.

Carlos: Yeah. Let's just say we don't get a lot of belly rubs.

Pixie: Good boy. I mean, you're a good runner.
You're... you're fast, you know.

Tom: Oh. Yeah. Thank you.

Pixie: Yeah. Listen, I'm gonna give you guys some space, yeah? You guys get to know each other and just, you know, come find me when you're done, okay?

Tom: Okay.

Pixie: I'll see you later.

Tom: See you out there.

(The dog jumps up and starts to kick Tom's face)

Tom: Hi. Hi. Oh! Thank you.


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