New Neighbors?

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Third Person POV

"Faster Butterfly!" Alois yelled at his Appaloosa mare.
"Alois why even bother trying to beat me and Dantalion, you know you can't!" Ciel yelled over the wind.
"Oh, yes we can!" Alois yelled as he nudged Butterfly's side with his heel. Ciel grinned and was just about to urge Dantalion on but caught something moving on the dirt road and turned to get a better look. He looked at the many moving vans that were heading down the road.
"Hey Alois! Slow down and get your ass over here!"

"Oh come on, your just jealous cause I was about to kick your scrawny ass!"

"As if, my ass isn't scrawny, yours is."

"Once again, your just jealous of my gorgeous ass."

Ciel buried his face in his hands "Just look over there you fucktard."

Alois looked to the road and saw the vans and asked "Is someone moving in?"

"Possibly, the Kelvins moved out a few months ago, and the Sullivan's left a month before that." Ciel explained.

Alois' face suddenly turned into a big grin. "Hey do you think it's possible that the new family has a really hot son?"

Ciel face palmed. "Is that really all you think about? Calm your libido down,"

Alois made a pouty face "But there is absolutely no one even remotely attractive in school, and you know your curious to."

Ciel faced away from Alois, he knew he was right. Ciel found out he was gay in 5th grade when his cousin, Elizabeth, tried to kiss him. at first he just thought it was because she was his cousin. But even the Sullivan's daughter Siengilde, tried but he was still unresponsive. Alois, who had known himself to be gay for as long as he could remember, helped Ciel come out of the closet, well not really. He would admit it to Alois and Lizzy but no one else. Not even his parents knew.

"Come on, let's go and ask your parents." Alois said

Ciel turned Dantalion around and they walked to the stable. They undid the tack on the horses and have them all they would need until the next morning. They then walked up to Ciel's house. Well if you could call it just a house. It was four stories tall with a huge outdoor pool and parking garage. There were four other houses that had mainly the same thing. Alois' family owned one, Ciel's another, and the old Kelvin and Sullivan manors.

"Mother, I'm home!" Ciel called out.

"Oh good, go get changed and meet your father and I in here!" Rachel called out.

Alois and Ciel ran up the stairs into Ciel's room and went to the closet. Alois had extra clothes stored here because he practically lived here most of the time, his mom and little brother died in a car accident so it was just him and his father.
Alois got dressed and black booty shorts and a loose purple shirt.
Ciel wore black skinny jeans and a Death Note shirt.

Alois skipped down the stairs while Ciel just walked. They stepped into the parlor and stopped dead in they're tracks.

A woman with black hair and light blue eyes turned around in her chair and said "Hello I'm Luna Michaels, one of your new neighbors. Over there is my husband Luke, in the chair by the window is my sons best friend Claude. And over there my son Sebastian.
Said person turned around in his chair and looked right at Ciel. His red eyes staring into deep blue ones as though they were looking into his very soul.
Ciel gulped as one thought continuously repeated again and again in his head, and that thought was
"Damn, he's hot!"

Hey guys, this is my first fanfic so I have no clue how good or bad this is gonna be so please bear with me. I'm sorry the chapters are so short but I'll try to get them longer.The next chapter is going to be in Ciel's POV. So I'll hopefully see you next time.

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