Chapter 13

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Ciel POV

I finished putting the last book on the shelf and stood back to look at my room. Nodding in satisfaction I sat down on my bed.
The reason that I cleaned my room was because Elizabeth was coming today and my mother insisted that I cleaned it, but to be honest, it was perfectly clean to begin with. All that was there was just a few books lying around.

Elizabeth wasn't supposed to be here until around dinner time, so out of boredom I sent a text to Alois.
"Do you want to come over?"

A few minutes later Alois sent a reply.

I will definitely regret asking this later but........
"What are you doing?"


Yep, definitely regretted it.

I threw my phone to the end of my bed in disgust. I didn't need to know that, but I guess that I saw it coming and did it anyway, so my fault I guess.
But it's more fun to blame Alois.

I tried thinking of someone else that I could talk to. The only other person I could think of was Sebastian.
I hung my head down. Damn, I really needed more friends.
But then again, people are troublesome, so I'll stick to the three that I have. Well I don't know if Claude counts as my friend, but I'll count him anyway.

I retrieved my phone from the end of the bed and sent a text to Sebastian.

"I'm bored, do you want to come over?"

The response was pretty quick.

"Sure, I've got the same problem myself, be over in a bit."

I stepped out of my room and went down the stairs. The entire house was silent. Where was mother and father?
I stepped into the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge.

Your father and I went into town for some business related things and food shopping for Lizzie's arrival. Be back in a few hours.

I crumpled up the note and tried to toss it into the garbage bin. The paper bounced off the rim and landed on the floor. I walked over and picked it up and put it in the bin.

I heard the doorbell ring and I ran to the door. Sebastian stood on the other side and I let him in.

"Have you finished Attack on Titan yet?" I asked him.

"Almost, I'm on episode twenty-one." Sebastian replied.

"Well that's convenient, same here."

We walked into the TV room and I turned on the Netflix.
I handed the remote to him.
"You get the episode ready and I'll go get snacks and drinks. Do you have anything in particular you want?" I asked.

"I'll have whatever you're having." He replied.

I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bag of popcorn and put it in the microwave. While the popcorn was cooking I went into the fridge and pulled out two sodas. I remembered that I had a big bag of gummy bears around here somewhere. I started searching the cabinets for them. When I finally found them they were on the very top shelf.
I groaned. Didn't mother know that I was to short to reach that? I'm the only one who eats them anyway. I turned around to grab a chair, but Sebastian was standing right behind me.
I jumped back quickly.

He reached up and grabbed the gummy bears with no effort at all and handed them to me.
"Did you want these?" He asked.

I grabbed the package out of his hand.
"Yes I did."

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