Chapter 23

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Ciel POV

The sound of my phone ringing woke me up. Groggily I padded my hand around trying to locate my phone. When my hand finally grasped it I brought it to my face and was blinded by the light of the screen. 

After adjusting to the brightness I looked to see who had called. Two missed calls from Alois, what did he want now. Before I could press the call button another call from Alois came up. I answered quickly.

"What do you want Alois?"

"Hehe funny story." Alois said sheepishly.

"Spill." I said.

"Okay so you know how I asked you where that cabin was, well I found it, in a roundabout way, and now I'm lost and I need you to come get us, and you better hurry because my phone is almost dead and I'm sitting on Claude's shoulders on the roof just to get signal." Alois spilled out.

It was way to early for this. 

"Fine, just stay there, and get off the roof before you kill yourself"

The line cut out, so I was assuming he lost signal or his phone finally died.

I slowly got dressed. I mean I know he told me to hurry up, but it was five in the morning on a fucking weekend. He's lucky he's my best friend. 

When I got dressed I quietly left out the front door. I didn't want to disturb my parents or Elizabeth. Even though they wouldn't hesitate to disturb me from my slumber. 

I started the truck, backed out, and headed for the stables.

When I got there I noticed Sebastian's truck already parked in front. I got out of my truck and headed into the door. I didn't see any sign of Sebastian, so why was his truck here? I was just about to call his name when I heard quiet talking coming from Malphas' stall.

"He's just so amazing, he never ceases to surprise me." 

I stopped in my tracks. I knew for sure that that was Sebastian's voice, but was he talking about me? Nah, not likely. I walked over to the door to Malphas' stall and leaned over to see Sebastian sitting in the straw having what seemed like a nice conversation with the black horse.

"Enjoying your conversation?" I asked him.

Sebastian seemed a bit surprised to see me, but he didn't show much, just a really tiny jump.

"What are you doing here so early?" Sebastian asked.

"Alois was being stupid again so now I have to go and get him."

"Is Claude with him?" 


"That would explain why I couldn't reach him last night."

I reached over to grab Dantalion's tack from the rack, and headed to his stall.

"So what are you doing here so early?" I asked while putting on the saddle blanket.

"Eh, my parents were fighting again, and it was getting really annoying."

"Damn, that sucks."

"It's a normal occurrence, so I'm used to it. It's because of them that I don't really sleep much. They seem to choose the weirdest times to have their arguments."

"I could never last, I really enjoy my sleep." I admitted. 

Things went silent and stayed that way for a couple minutes. 

Country Romance (SebastianxCiel) (ClaudexAlois)Where stories live. Discover now