Chapter 27

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Ciel POV

Sebastian and Claude had to go home after school, so that left Alois and I alone in my room. I grabbed the bag with the rings in it and handed Alois the one he bought.
"Now the question of when we're going to give these to them." I said.

"I know! Like how the fuck did Claude plan giving me mine!" Alois exclaimed.

There really wasn't any anniversaries I could give them to him on, we've only been dating for like a day! And I wasn't keen on waiting a month to give it to him.

"Do you have any ideas on when to give them?" Alois asked me.

"Not a clue."

Knock knock.

Alois and I shoved the bags under my bed. "Come in."

Elizabeth waltzed into the room. "So Ciel, how are things going today?"

"Same as they were yesterday." I replied.

Alois grabbed the bag we stuffed under the bed and gave it to Elizabeth. "When and where should we give these to them?" He asked.

Elizabeth opened the bag pulled out the rings. "Oh my god, these are perfect!"

"Of course they are, we picked them." Alois gloated.

I would've rolled my eyes at his comment, but he was right for once.

"So you want me to help you figure out when to give these to them?" Elizabeth asked.

"Pretty much." Alois said.

"Hmm, let's see. Alois, you and Claude have been dating around two months right?" Elizabeth asked.


"Only because you jumped him after like a week of knowing him." I said.

Alois shrugged "what can I say, I know what I want."

Elizabeth sat thinking for a moment. "Maybe you can give it to him on your two month anniversary. Do you remember when that is?"

"Pssh, of course I do, it was the 7th." Alois said.

"Okay, so you can give it to him then. Now Ciel, you're gonna be a little harder. You two haven't been dating that long."

"That because I'm not a whore like Alois." I defended.

"No, it's because you're a pussy who can't admit his feelings." Alois said.

He had a point, but he can't know that.

"Maybe you could give it to him on the anniversary of the day you met." Elizabeth said.

"So the 1st then." I said.

"Not fair, that means Ciel gets to give his first." Alois whined.

"Suck it loser." I said to Alois.

Elizabeth giggled at out antics until her phone buzzed. She grabbed her phone at lightning speed with a huge smile on her face. While she was texting away Alois sent me a knowing look.

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