mewgulfweekday 3 STARGAZING

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"Wake up tua eng..."

"Hmmm...." Gulf mumbled a little annoyed. He had just fallen asleep!

Mew chuckled.

Gulf tried to continue sleeping and turned over but he couldn't?

and also... why was he moving?

Come on." Mew urged him on.

Gulf was fully awake the moment he felt that he was being carried in 2 strong arms he was tightly wrapped in a blanket and outside already.

Why was he being carried outside!

"What are you doing?" He mumbled and looked up at a smiling Mew."That's a suprise."

Gulf huffed and rolled his eyes. Mew always with his surprises...

Mew would be home late today and he had gone to sleep already but he hadn't expected him to do this!He silently let him be carried to God knows where in the middle of the night and yawned.

"We're here!"

Gulf finally saw what Mew's surprise was and it was laid out on the grass field behind their house.

Cushions were scattered on the blanket and candle lights were flickering on the side.

He was carefully placed on the blanket and Mew held him warm and tightly in his arms and sat down behind him.

"So sappy..." Gulf grinned, mocking his romantic husband."But you love that about me." Mew laughed and buried his face in his neck and smothered him with kisses making Gulf laugh heartedly and feel more awake immediately.

"So? Why are we out here in the middle of the night?" Gulf finally asked when he was cosily cuddled up against Mew's chest and Mew was drawing circled on the back of his hand.

"Look..." Mew whispered.

Gulf looked up at the sky Mew was pointing at and millions upon millions of stars adorned the sky and he stopped breathing for a second.

It was so beautiful. His eyes skimmed over the twinkling lights.

"Oh!" He said breathlessly when he noticed a star shooting by.

"We should make a wish! Oh another one!"

Numerous stars shot through the sky one after the other.

"That's why I brought you here, it's a meteor shower tonight.

Gulf was amazed and stared at the "shooting stars".

"So we can't do wishes with these?"

"Hmmm... you could try? But my wishes have all come true already with you in my arms." Mew joked but he meant every word of it.

Gulf looked up at him and shook his head and was about to look back up but Mew leaned down to and pecked his quickly.

Gulf mumbled something under his breath which Mew couldn't hear and saw his cheeks flush red.

They were silent for some time. Just enjoying the meteor shower until Mew sighed contently.

He had not been looking at the sky for a few minutes now but down at it husband in his arms. Admiring every feature, every breath. How did he get so lucky...

"The moon is beautiful tonight..." He whispered and kissed gulfs neck. Gulf nodded potting the big full moon in the night sky, oblivious to what Mew meant.

But Mew wasn't looking at the sky but at his moon laying in his arms...

The end... 🌠❤

MewGulf oneshots book 2Where stories live. Discover now