18+ mewgulfweekday 4 LYRICS

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It's a good day, it's a good day

Mew hummed, walking into the living room and approached Gulf. With a relaxed grin he wrapped his arms around Gulf's waist and slowly kissed his way up his neck making Gulf gasp in his arms.

Do what I wanna do I'm in the mood yeah

He continued and Gulf whined when suddenly he knew what was going on. Third single, third reveal. Mew was already on his way to take his shirt off. His fingers slowly moving under it and met with his heated skin.

It's a good day it's a good day

"P'Mew..." he gasped, his skin prickling where Mew's fingers moved. His shirt was pulled over his head and thrown on the floor before he knew it and was swiftly turned around and pushed against the wall with a thud.

I don't really care, what did you say?

Mew sang and slowly moved closer to him. His hands slipped over his sides to his back and circled his plump ass before hoisting him up, making that Gulf had to wrap his arms around his neck so Mew could carry him to the bedroom

Throw myself down and chilling by the pool

Gulf just gave in to the temptation, he couldn't deny it felt good when Mew slowly moved them to their bedroom while nipping on the sensitive skin right under his ear, probably leaving hickeys.

It's a good day, it's a good day yeah

Mew whispered making Gulf shiver and he pushed the door open with his foot and planted Gulf in the middle of the bed before straddling him. He made quick work of discarding his clothes which in turn made Gulf all hot and bothered underneath him seeing all those muscles come into view.

I don't care about anything be like a Fool

Gulf wanted to reach out and touch Mew but his hands were quickly pushed behind his head and Mew smirked at him before he continued singing.

It's a good day.

We know it's a good day yeah

Mew leaned in and planted kisses around Gulf's neck and nipped the skin, pulling gasps and moans out of his mouth. His lips descended further down until it reached one perky nipple and Gulf arched his back when Mew took it into his mouth.

The sky's bright and the sun's out

Mew blew hot air over the hard bud and Gulf shuddered.

The sky was indeed bright and the sun was out which made this all so much more arousing. Doing this in the middle of the day...

Let's take a ride only the 2 of us

Mew smirked and sat up his fingers inched under Gulf's waistband and pulled it off together with his underwear.

He suddenly laid there, bare in the afternoon sun coming through the window.

The bad things that you thinking 'bout

Oh bad things he was definitely thinking about... Gulf flushed deep red all the way to his chest when Mew's gaze was eating him up and he saw the obvious bulge in his pants.

That makes your sky grey

Without thinking Gulf sat up suddenly and pushed Mew back and unzipped his pants, to Mew's surprise. His hand reached for the hard length and he looked up at Mew who was gasping for air.

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