mewgulfweekday 1 SOULMATES

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Disclaimers 🙈

- Read at own risk
- tw // Angst
- tw // Major character death(ish)

I'm sorry... 😳

Red, green, blue, pink...

All colours it would shine.

What they meant he had learned overtime.

Everyone around him had one, a ring shining as bright as the sun when paired together with the matching one.

He would stare at it day and night, feel he emotions through the colours. Would wait for the day it would shine so bright he would know they were near.

He smiled holding his hand up and the ring shone in the moonlight. It was dark blue of colour right now meaning the other was asleep. Just like he was supposed to be, but he felt the bond stronger than ever and couldn't sleep from excitement. As if the moment was nearing for them to meet!

His heart started beating faster just thinking about finally meeting his pair, his destiny, the only right person for him.

What would they be like... Man? Woman? He didn't care at all what gender they were. He would love them unconditionally. He turned around in his bed and with a bright smile and one last look at the blue ring He also fell asleep, holding his hand with the ring close to his heart.

More days passed like that. He would watch the ring every moment he got. Today it was slightly pink, meaning the other person was happy. He did feel a bit jealous though... why was he happy when it wasn't with him?

The anticipation to meet them grew stronger every day.

He would look around for any sign of his soulmate. Everywhere he went he hoped to meet them there but up till now... he hadn't had much luck.

But any day now! He believed in it!

That's how he lived, day in day out.

It was his happiness and people around him saw it too. They couldn't wait for him to meet his soulmate seeing how happy it would make him.

And like every other night he admired the ring on his finger. It wasn't dark blue though like normally when they were sleeping but it was light blue, meaning they were still awake!

"What could they be up to at this hour..." he whispered to himself and looked over at the clock on his night stand, showing it was almost 2 am and he smiled. "Any day now..."

And with that thought he held his hand close to his heart and fell asleep...

Excruciating pain had Gulf shot up from his bed in the middle of the night. He gasped for air but couldn't get any in his lungs and he panicked.

What was happening! He had never experienced anything like this!

White flashed before his eyes and dark brown eyes seemed to look directly at him in fear until... until everything was black...

His whole body started to shake suddenly and his heart felt like it was getting ripped out! He clawed at his shirt, ripping it in the process, just to try and ease the pain where he could, but he couldn't... Everything hurt.

His ears were bounding and his eyes teared up. What was happening to him! He trashed in his bed, legs kicking off the duvet and sheets got wrinkled.

A cry left his lips when he felt his ring finger start to burn so bad it felt like it was getting cut off.

",no,no!!!" He whispered breathlessly. The moment his eyes fell on his hand he saw it, it faded, it started to disappear...

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