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Gulf wiggled his toes and stretched out his arms in the big bed as he slowly woke up.
He could feel a warm breeze coming from the open window and hear the waves languidly crashing on shore.
He opened his eyes and blinked a few times before they set on a full head of hair that popped out from over the edge of the bed.

Gulf smiled to himself and rolled over slowly so he was now on his belly, wrapped up in the covers. He winced a bit from the pain in his lower half when he moved, remembered last night... and although he should feel satisfied with that, he wanted more already. They finally were all alone for 2 weeks on this beautiful island in the Maldives. What better than to enjoy themselves fully without anyone around...
The rustling made Mew look up and notice that he was awake. A soft smile spread on his face and Gulf leaned in closer to connect their lips in a tender kiss.

“Goodmorning...” Mew mumbled against his lips “How are you feeling?”
“Like I’ve been fucked thoroughly last night.” Gulf chuckled and a healthy blush appeared on his cheeks, making Mew grin. Gulf laid his head in Mew’s shoulder and  yawned. “what are you doing?”
“finished up some work.” Mew answered, focusing back to the laptop on his lap.
“Hmm...” Gulf hummed and after some time just watching he placed his lips against Mew’s neck, nipping the skin, feeling impatient. “But what about me..?” 
Mew gasped and the laptop nearly fell from his lap at that offer. “I’m done now.” He said and saved the last document on the screen before closing the tabs.
“That’s better...” Gulf hummed in a sultry tone and continued nipping and licking his way up Mew’s neck and to his earlobe before taking it between his teeth and nibbled on it.

Mew at this point was trying to control himself but it was not really working. With how quick all his blood rushed south and his cock hardened under his robe it would only be short before it would snap. He was breathing hard and trying to contain the moans bubbling up his throat.
“You know...” Gulf whispered against his ear suddenly. “there’s something leaking, I think it needs some more plugging...”
This was all Mew could handle and his control snapped. He had Gulf yelping and giggling the moment he jumped up on the bed and hovered over Gulf. He dived right under the covers with him and connected their lips in a deep, rough kiss.

Gulf was putty in Mew’s arms in seconds and wrapped his arms around his back, digging his nails into the skin and entangled their legs. He felt Mew’s hard length brush against his own making him mewl into the kiss.
Mew’s hands wandered down Gulf’s back and to the two soft globes and squeezed them before spreading them open. His fingers brushed over the swollen wet rim, feeling how his cum he had pumped into him last night was leaking onto his fingers.
“Oh god...” Gulf moaned and threw his head back when Mew pushed 2 fingers in deep and brushed them against his prostate. He spread his legs wider to give Mew more access and arched his back.
“Found it...” Mew growled. He descended to Gulf neck and kissed and bit new hickeys around the previously already made ones.
Gulf wiggled in his arms, desperate for Mew to fuck him. He pushed back on his fingers and moaned into his ear getting Mew riled up even more.
“Plug it.” Gulf whined.
Mew had wanted this to be soft and loving but Gulf clearly had other plans.
He was a moaning and crying mess underneath him and if he didn’t handle quickly, he would shoot his load right here and then.
He sat up for a second making Gulf fuss a bit. The tent in his robe was very obvious and Gulf licked his lips reaching for it and pulled it from under the robe.
He stroked it from root to tip and the beat of pre-cum at the tip he smeared all over the shaft before bringing his finger to his lips and sucking on it while humming.

Mew just watched this all in amazement. He was shaking by this type of Gulf so early in the morning. He didn’t have more time to admire because he was pulled down by Gulf who wrapped his legs around his waist.
He held Mew's cock in his hand and guided it to his still wet entrance and brushed the tip over the cleft.
Their eyes had never strayed from each other the whole time and they were both breathing hard while Gulf slowly pushed the tip inside.

Mew groaned and shut his eyes for a second to savour this feeling and he closed the gap to connect their lips again.
The hard and rough foreplay had made way for something more sensual and slow suddenly.
He opened his eyes again to focus on Gulf and while pushing in deeper he saw how those eyes fluttered and rolled back.
Gulf keened and moaned as Mew seated himself to the base inside of him. He squeezed around him loving the reactions he could pull out of Mew.
“ahmm... please harder.” Gulf moaned and watched Mew's pupils dilate as he said that. He pushed his heels into Mew's ass and fucked himself on his cock. His own cock was rock-hard on his stomach and leaking profusely.
Mew complied and snapped his hips he leaned over and pulled Gulf's arms around his neck before he sped up even more until he was roughly thrusting into Gulf.

“Oh YES!” Gulf cried and buried his face in Mew's neck. He dragged his nails down Mew's back and the covers were quickly thrown off the bed by Mew and he grabbed both Gulf's ankles and placed them over his shoulders, almost folding Gulf in half as he continued his rough attack and slammed his cock deep inside over and over again.
Gulf was writhing on the ruffled-up sheets and trying to find leverage at how rough Mew was plowing him. His hips were sore, but he welcomed every single thrust eagerly. He was moaning up to the high heavens with how good he felt. Mew knew exactly how to make him feel ecstasy in the best possible ways. His own orgasm was building up quickly in the pit of his stomach, but he needed more, wanted more.
He needed control.

Mew was confused for a second when he was pushed over suddenly, and Gulf was on top of him in seconds, lining his veiny hard cock against his hole and dropped himself onto it. Mew moaned loudly and sat up, pulling Gulf close against him by his ass and started hammering up into him again after he had processed what just happened.
"Oh fuck! Yes harder!” Gulf mumbled into his neck as he clung on Mew and bit down on his neck.
He circled his hips making that Mew's thick length brushed against his prostate every single time he slammed inside, and his own cock was rubbing over Mew's abs. This had him spilling over the edge so quick his vision blurred.
He arched his back and while Mew kept fucking up into him hard and fast Gulf came all over his chest.
“Fuck baby I'm going to come too!” Mew growled seeing how Gulf was shivering and shaking on top of him from his orgasm. He couldn't hold out much longer either and just seeing Gulf come undone on top of him had him unravelled.
Mew's fingers were digging deep into Gulf's ass and with a few more thrusts he also came hard.

Their bodies were hot and sweaty. Breathing quick and hard as they both came down from an explosive orgasm. Gulf had his face buried in Mew's neck and Mew himself was kissing his shoulder and neck until they both were breathing normal again.
Mew pulled Gulf's face from his neck and connected their lips while Gulf's eyes were still closed but he welcomed the kiss. They stayed like this for a bit. The only sounds heard were the waves and the wind coming from outside their room.

Gulf detangled him from their embrace and sighed. “If only we could stay like this forever...”
“Like this?” Mew grinned and looked down meaning that they were still connected.
Gulf realized what he meant and blushed furiously.
“Mew! I'm trying to be romantic!”
“What! I don’t mind staying like this forever, because I'm not close to being done with you.” Mew growled and wiggled his eyebrows.
Gulf yelped when suddenly he was lifted while Mew was still deep inside of him and carried to the shower. He was sputtering and giggling the whole time but he couldn't deny he didn’t want this either.

They should enjoy it while it lasted. 

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