Koko X Reader Part 2

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Quarrels weren't really uncommon in the lives of a married couple yet you tended to avoid unnecessary fights with Koko.

You knew the man has been working hard for both your sake and gained an unhealthy amount problems and stress from his workplace so you were careful not to add to the reasons for his headache.

And you've had enough.

He was the one not being rational here, his words angered you so much. You couldn't count how many times he mistook and compares you with Akane.

You were aware that you could never fill the gap in Koko's heart that longed for Akane.

You can and will never be Akane.

You were you and you were hoping Koko would wake up to reality and see that too.

Both of you needed some space after your argument and once you both cooled off you wanted Koko to change his old habits.

As you walked farther into the streets of Shibuya you noticed the sorroundings getting brighter as loud noises could be heard in the background.

You looked up and strayed away from your thoughts to be faced with various lights and attractions.

You realized you were in front of an amusement park.

A wave of nostalgia hits you as memories of the place resurfaced in your mind overshadowing the the thoughts of your previous arguments with your husband.

You remembered the amusement park very clearly.

This was the place you and Koko went on your first date during your first month as lovers.


"Hajime let's ride that one." You said while pointing at the large ferris-wheel.

You dragged your boyfriend by the arm towards the attraction giving him no room or option to refuse.

Koko wasn't complaining as he just silently watches your form drag him amidst the crowds with a gentle smile on his lips.

You entered the amusement park whilst reminiscing your memories with Koko.

You passed by a shooting both where you and Koko used compete all the time with him winning most of the rounds.

The couples around reminded you of how you and Koko would act in the past.
All lovey-dovey and infatuated with each other.

Yet times and people change but your love for him didn't you still stayed with him all this years despite the tainted background he gained, Koko was still koko to you.

Your eyes trailed to a stand selling cotton candy and immediately remembered a cliché scene.

Koko stared at you while you were babbling about the most random things you can think off.

"You've got something on your face."He cupped both of your face which made you stop talking and he suddenly licked your cheeks.

"It's cotton candy."He said while showing you the treat that he caught in his tongue.

You immediately blushed at the memory.

Your anger at Koko seemed to subdue as you remembered the cringe stuff you both did as teenagers crazy in love.

You chuckled to yourself as you walked deeper towards the center of the place and there you found a familiar scenery.

It was the ferris-wheel, it was glowing at it lights up the dark sorroundings.

You watched in awe and admiration, there wasn't many people in this part of the park making it seem lonely if it wasn't for the well lit ride.

Sidetracked by your thoughts you didn't notice the man that lingered by your side.

While you were busy admiring the view that the ride gave off, Koko was trying his hardest to find you, hoping to apologise and reconcile with you.

Finding you wasn't that hard as he attached a gps tracker on your hoodie that you were currently wearing.

As he arrived at the location you were showed, he also remembered the place, after all this was a special one for the both of you.

But those memories can wait, finding you was his top priority. Letting his wife wander around this late at night was the most careless and biggest mistake he made.

Making his way towards the red dot that was showed on his phone, he noticed that a fewer people were in this area despite it being the brightest of them all.

The majority must be in those dark places making out, he thought.

As he got closer and closer he could see locks of your hair inside the ferris-wheel.

Hurriedly running towards you, he noticed a very strange thing. The operator of the ride was nowhere to be found.

Making his way on the ride he saw you seeminglessly staring into the far distance inside the cart of the ride.

Grabbing the door of the cart he noticed that it was locked. 'That's weird' he thought.

Banging on the glass window of the ride he became more anxious by the second seeing as he received no response no matter how loud he knocked.

Koko wasn't strong enough to take down the door by himself so all he could do was bang the windows as hard as he could.

As you heard banging outside the window you slightly tilted your head to face whoever was outside.

You slightly moved to take a better look and you felt a sharp pain on your abdomen then you remembered the events before this.

A few moments before.

A bulk man in a strange suit stabbed you and locked you in this ride.

It was strange how you could hear Kokonoi's voice yet you could only see your reflection in the glass.

Maybe you these were just hallucinations of yours because you badly wanted to see him.

You didn't wanna die while you still haven't made up with your husband.

Koko couldn't really see the insides of the cart clearly but he did see you move a little.

"Y/N!!!!!!!,Are you okay?!I'll get you out of there soon."

Koko's voice was loud and clear this gave you confirmation that you weren't hallucinating or anything.

You watched him with half lidded eyes as he called someone on his phone he still wasn't aware of your condition.

'ah, hajime...he's here.'

You looked down at yourself and watched your blood stained shirt get wetter by the second.

You were losing a lot of blood.

You knew you wouldn't survive

Your husband was right there yet you knew that the thick materials of the ride wouldn't let your voice reach him.

Specially not at your state.

But you wanted to at least say your last words to him.

You wanted to tell him you loved him, that he should eat on time when you're gone, that he should take breaks, and that he should just find another person to make him happy and fill the gaps that you couldn't.

You weren't sure if he could hear you but you still have to try.

With your final ounce of strength.

The only coherent words you formed were.

"In our next lives, don't mistake me as her again,you dummy."


To be continued

 𝙏𝙊𝙆𝙔𝙊 𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙉𝙂𝙀𝙍𝙎 𝙊𝙉𝙀𝙎𝙃𝙊𝙏𝙎Where stories live. Discover now